doktorska disertacija na študijskem programu 3. stopnje UM
Tina Špegelj (Author), Vesna Žegarac Leskovar (Mentor), Miroslav Premrov (Co-mentor)


Trenutni trendi v gradbeništvu poudarjajo predvsem naslednje tri ukrepe za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja okolja: uporabo naravnih materialov, gradnjo energijsko učinkovitih stavb ter prenovo obstoječih energijsko potratnih stavb. Doktorska disertacija analizira različne načine energijske prenove obstoječih stanovanjskih stavb. Analiza posameznih načinov energijske prenove ter vpliva prenov na letno potrebno energijo za ogrevanje in hlajenje dveh različnih obstoječih večstanovanjskih stavb prikazuje možnosti prihrankov energije pri prenovi obstoječega stavbnega fonda. Za celovitejšo prenovo obstoječega stavbnega fonda se razvijejo leseno-stekleni moduli, ki se uporabljajo kot nadgradnja obstoječih stanovanjskih stavb. Razviti leseno-stekleni moduli nadgradnje imajo leseno nosilno konstrukcijo in optimalen delež zasteklitve na posamezni fasadi. Razvoj modulov je potekal na osnovi naslednjih petih spremenljivk: neto tlorisne površine, oblike modulov, toplotne prehodnosti ovoja modulov in orientacije steklenih površin ter njihovega deleža na fasadi. Rezultati numerične parametrične analize letne potrebne energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje so izračunani na podlagi mesečne metode. Pozitiven vpliv modulov nadgradnje na energijsko učinkovitost obstoječih večstanovanjskih stavb je prikazan na praktičnem primeru.


energijsko učinkovite stavbe;energijska prenova stavb;energijsko učinkovite nadgradnje;lesene konstrukcije;optimalni delež zasteklitve;optimalna oblika modula;doktorske disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [T. Špegelj]
UDC: [69.059.25:697.1]:[694:691.6](043.3)
COBISS: 19672342 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1650
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of the timber-glass upgrade module for the purpose of energy-efficient refurbishment of the existing multi-family buildings
Secondary abstract: Current trends in civil engineering highlight mainly the following measures to reduce pollution: the use of natural building materials, energy-efficient building construction as well as refurbishment of the existing energy-inefficient buildings. The present doctoral thesis analyses different approaches to energy-efficient renovation of the existing multi-family buildings. The analysis of individual energy refurbishment processes along with their consequent impact on the annual need for heating and cooling of two existing multi-family buildings show energy savings potential arising from the renovation of the existing housing stock. With a view to renovating the existing housing stock in a more complex manner timber-glass upgrade modules are developed to be installed onto the existing multi-family buildings. These modules have a timber-load bearing structure and the optimal glazing proportion in the selected façades. Development of the modules is based on five variables; those of usable floor area, module shapes, thermal transmittance of the module envelopes, in addition to the glazing orientation and size. The results of the parametric numerical analysis of the annual energy need for heating and cooling are calculated through application of the monthly computational method. A positive influence upgrade modules exert on the energy efficiency of the existing multi-family buildings is shown through a practice case study.
Secondary keywords: energy-efficient buildings;energy-efficirwent refurbishment of buildings;energy-efficient upgrade structures;timber structures;optimal glazing proportion;optimal module shape;Stanovanjske zgradbe;Disertacije;Prenova;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo
Pages: XXVII, 175 str.
ID: 9128861