diplomsko delo
Tomaž Tretjak (Author), Franc Zupanič (Mentor)


Nitriranje oziroma nitridiranje je toplotno-kemična obdelava jekla, pri kateri obogatimo površinski sloj z dušikom z namenom, pridobiti čim bolj trdo površino obdelovanca, ki je odporna proti obrabi in koroziji. Poznamo različne postopke nitridiranja. V diplomskem delu sem se odločil podrobneje proučiti postopek nitridiranja v plazmi. V uvodnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno podjetje Miheu, d.o.o., nato se v teoretičnem delu najprej dotaknem različnih postopkov toplotnih in toplotno-kemičnih obdelav. Na koncu se osredotočim še na postopek nitridiranja, natančneje nitridiranja v plazmi. V praktičnem delu prikazujem postopek nitridiranja v plazmi s pomočjo nitridirne peči Rübig. S pomočjo eksperimentalnega dela sem želel pokazati, da lahko nitridiramo v plazmi različne vrste jekel pri istih parametrih. Uporabil sem osem različno legiranih jekel, ki sem jih najprej utrdil s kaljenjem in nato nitridiral v plazmi pri istih parametrih. Rezultati eksperimenta so pokazali, da lahko nitridiramo različna jekla, vendar se globina nitridiranja in trdota na površini razlikujeta. Iz eksperimenta je razvidno, da zlitinski elementi pomembno vplivajo na končni rezultat.


toplotno-kemična obdelava;nitridiranje;nitridiranje v plazmi;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Tretjak]
UDC: 669.14.056.9-15:661.571(043.2)
COBISS: 19571222 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1466
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Plasma nitriding
Secondary abstract: Nitriding is a thermal-chemical treatment of steel, wherein the surface layer is enriched with nitrogen, to obtain harder surface of the work-piece, in order to increase the wear and corrosion resistance. There are different nitriding procedures. In the diploma thesis, I decided to examine the process of plasma nitriding. In the introduction, company Miheu d.o.o. is presented. First in the theoretical part, the different processes of heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment are described in short. Finally, the emphasis is on the nitriding process, especially plasma nitriding. In the practical part of this diploma thesis, the process of plasma nitriding, using nitriding chamber Rübig, is presented. With the experimental work, I wanted to show that different types of steel can be nitride in plasma, by using the same parameters. I used eight different alloyed steel, which I have strengthened with hardening and then nitrided them in plasma under the same parameters. The result of the research shows that, different steels can be nitrided, but the depth of nitriding and the hardness of the surface are unlike. From the study it is also evident that the alloying elements are important for the final result.
Secondary keywords: thermo-chemical treatment;nitriding;plasma nitriding;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: VIII, 64 f.
ID: 9129458