diplomsko delo
Katarina Zdolšek (Author), Karmen Pižorn (Mentor), Mihaela Brumen (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom "Učenje in poučevanje angleščine v vrtcu" je empirično diplomsko delo. Namen je predstaviti integracijo angleškega jezika v nacionalni dokument, Kurikulum za vrtce. Upoštevajoč, da tuji jeziki niso obvezni v predšolskem obdobju in kot taki niso opredeljeni v Kurikulumu za vrtce, učenje in poučevanje angleščine v vrtcu lahko potekata samo v okviru inovacijskega projekta. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge sta predstavljeni učenje in poučevanje angleščine v šentjurskem vrtcu (enota Ponikva), ki je potekalo v okviru mrežnega inovacijskega projekta. Na podlagi analize priprav enega šolskega leta je bil cilj empiričnega dela raziskati pristop CLIL (vsebinsko jezikovno integrirano učenje), ki je bil uporabljen pri integraciji angleščine v Kurikulum za vrtce. Poleg tega je bil na podlagi intervjujev otrok namen raziskave ugotoviti zaznavanje in motivacijo otrok za učenje tujega jezika v vrtcu. Rezultati kažejo, da je bil angleški jezik integriran v celoten Kurikulum za vrtce; v vseh šest področij dejavnosti in prav tako v vsakodnevne rutinske dejavnosti v vrtcu. Najpogosteje uporabljena učna metoda je bila igra. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo, da so otroci radi sodelovali pri učenju angleščine in so bili motivirani. Najraje so imeli igro, gibalne, glasbene in dramske dejavnosti. Raziskava je prav tako pokazala, da je otroke motivirala uporaba različnih učnih sredstev in da so po enem letu dnevne izpostavljenosti angleškemu jeziku v vrtcu razumeli oziroma znali povedati različne besedne zveze.


preschool children;early foreign language learning;content and language integrated learning;nursery schools;national preschool curriculum;innovative network project;theses;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Zdolšek]
UDC: 811.111'243:373.2.016(043.2)
COBISS: 22238984 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2555
Downloads: 468
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Teaching and learning English in kindergarten
Secondary abstract: This BA thesis, "Teaching and Learning English in Kindergarten" is an empirical thesis. Its main aim is to discuss the integration of English into the National Pre-school Curriculum in Slovenia. Foreign languages are not compulsory at the pre-school level; as they are not part of the national pre-school curriculum, teaching and learning English in pre-school can be carried out only as an innovative project. In the empirical part of this thesis, teaching and learning English in a Šentjur nursery school (Ponikva) within the Innovative Network project are presented. By analysing the lesson units of one school year, the main purpose is to investigate the content- and language-integrated approach (CLIL), which was used to integrate English into the National Pre-school Curriculum. Furthermore, by interviewing the children, how they perceived and were motivated by foreign language learning in a nursery school was also investigated. The results show that English was integrated into the whole national pre-school curriculum; into the six learning areas, as well as into everyday routine learning activities. The most frequently used teaching method was play. The findings of the study show that children liked to participate in learning English and were motivated to do so. They preferred playful, movement, music and drama activities. The survey also shows that children were motivated by the use of different kinds of teaching materials and were able to understand and produce different language phrases after one year of daily exposure to the English language in the nursery school.
Secondary keywords: predšolski otroci;zgodnje učenje tujega jezika;vsebinsko jezikovno integrirano učenje;vrtci;Kurikulum za vrtce;inovacijski mrežni projekt;diplomska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko
Pages: VII, 157 f., 31 f. pril.
ID: 9129849