diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovskih in izobraževalnih procesov
Mateja Kozovinc (Author), Eva Jereb (Mentor)


V današnjem času podjetja vlagajo premalo truda za motivacijo in nagrajevanje zaposlenih. Zaradi tega delovna uspešnost v podjetju ni dovolj visoka. Z motiviranjem skušamo spodbuditi zaposlene k boljši učinkovitosti, uspešnosti, razvoju in inovaciji. Je pa zelo pomembno, čeprav težko, motivirati in nagrajevati zaposlene enako pošteno in pravično. Lahko se zgodi, da se podjetja odločajo za nagrajevanje zaposlenih na podlagi neustreznih informacij ter v neustrezni obliki, kajti nagrajevanje ni samo finančno-denarno, ampak tudi nedenarno, kar je za določene zaposlene lahko tudi bolj vzpodbudno. Torej problem, ki ga bomo raziskovali je, kako in na kakšen način motivirati in nagraditi zaposlene v podjetju RS BIRO, da bo njegova učinkovitost kar se da visoka in bo s tem podjetje na trgu lahko še konkurenčnejše. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega (raziskovalnega) dela. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili pojem in pomen motivacije, predstavili nekaj motivacijskih teorij ter njen vpliv na zaposlene. Opredelili smo tudi nagrajevanje zaposlenih ter vrste nagrajevanja. Te so dostikrat lahko vzrok za premalo motivacije pri delu, zato smo preučili tudi nagrajevanje kot motivacijski instrument. V raziskovalnem delu smo predstavili organizacijo RS BIRO d. o. o. iz Žalca ter analizo rezultatov raziskave med zaposlenimi. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika med zaposlenimi. Nasprotno s pričakovanji smo ugotovili, da je v tej organizaciji način nagrajevanja dober in dovolj motivacijsko naravnan ter da so zaposleni zadovoljni s trenutnim stanjem. Prav tako so rezultati pozitivni glede samega medsebojnega odnosa med vodjem in sodelavci.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Kozovinc]
UDC: 331.1
COBISS: 7609363 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1193
Downloads: 94
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In today's world companies are not putting enough effort into motivating their employees and that makes their level of success significantly lower than it could be if motivation and rewarding were up to standards. When motivating, we are trying to push your employees to achieve better efficiency, be more successful, develop and to be innovative. When doing this it is important to keep all employees as equally motivated and rewarded as possible. In some situations companies decide to reward their employees based on wrong or corrupted informations or maybe even in the wrong kind of way because some people prefer to be rewarded financially and some prefer other ways. So the main problem I will be researching is how to motivate and award an employer of the company RS BIRO in the way that will make him or her the most efficient possible and will make the company even more competitive on the market. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical research work. In the theoretical part we present the concept and importance of motivation, some motivational theories and their impact on employees. We identify the remuneration of employees and types of rewards. These are often the cause for the lack of motivation at work, so it is really important that we look at the reward as a motivational tool. The research presents the organization RS BIRO d. o. o. from Žalec and analyses the results of surveys among employees. Survey is based on an anonymous questionnaire among employees. Contrary to expectations, we found that the organisation of rewarding employees is good and sufficiently motivationally oriented. Employees are satisfied with the current situation and also, the overall impression and the results of the survey are positive.
Secondary keywords: human resources;motivation;rewarding;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 36 f., pril.
ID: 9130045
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