diplomsko delo
Nina Koželj (Author), Mirko Bratuša (Mentor), Črtomir Frelih (Co-mentor)


Humor je izraz za vsako sporočilo, povzročeno z dejanjem, govorom, pisanjem ali sliko, ki ima za svoj produkt nasmeh ali smeh. Ljudje različnih profilov tematiko preučujejo že vsaj od antike naprej, poskušajo jo umestiti tudi v kontekst. Zdi se, da je humor kulturno pogojen, integriran v kontekst časa, vezan na družbeno zgodovino, hkrati pa nam služi kot ključ do kulturnih kod, saj odnos do humorja (smeha), način uporabe v praksi ter njegove oblike in objekti niso konstantni, ampak spremenljivi. Smisel za humor pri človeku obstaja že od vekomaj – težnja po smehu in sprostitvi je namreč v človekovi naravi. Ohranjeni zapisi kažejo, da je imel humor pri ljudeh vedno določeno funkcijo – kot sredstvo za obvladovanje ljudi, kot orodje za maščevanje ali pa je služil za sprostitev stresnih situacij. Humor najdemo tudi v likovni umetnosti in to je področje, ki ga raziskujem v svojem diplomskem delu. Da sem lahko razumela, kako se humor v likovni umetnosti tvori, sem raziskala tudi teoretično plat humorja. S pridobljenim znanjem sem poskusila podati nekaj smernic za vlogo humorja v sodobni likovni umetnosti ter pedagoškem procesu danes, analizirala pa sem tudi lastno umetniško ustvarjanje.


kreativnost;humor v razredu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Koželj]
UDC: 73:741.52(043.2)
COBISS: 10947913 Link will open in a new window
Views: 903
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Humour in visual art
Secondary abstract: Humour is the term for any message delivered through action, speech, writing or image, which produces a smile, giggle or laugh. Researchers of various profiles have been studying the topic since as far back as ancient times, endeavouring to place it in context. It seems that humour is culturally conditioned, integrated in the context of time, tied to social history, while it at the same time also serves as a key to cultural codes, given that attitudes towards humour (laughter), use in practice, as well as its forms and structures, are not constant but variable. A sense of humour has probably existed in people since time immemorial – a tendency to laugh and relax is innate to human nature. Preserved records show that the role of humour in humans has always had a certain function – as a means to control people, as a tool of revenge, or as a release in stressful situations. Humour can also be found in art and this is the area of research in my degree thesis. However, in order to understand how it forms, I also had to explore the theoretical aspects of the subject. With the knowledge gained, I have tried to give some guidelines on the role of humour in contemporary visual art and the teaching process today, also putting under scrutiny my own creative process.
Secondary keywords: art;umetnost;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 109 f.
ID: 9130430
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