magistrsko delo
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo pravne vidike upravljanja in vodenja podjetij, ki poslujejo na trgu z električno energijo. Pri tem se opredeljujemo tako do problematike, ki zadeva podjetja, ki v predmetni panogi opravljajo dejavnost gospodarske javne službe, kot tudi problematike, ki je relevantna za podjetja, ki delujejo na dobavnem delu trga, ki je liberaliziran.
Pri tem raziskujemo tri sklope vprašanj, in sicer najprej problematiko, ki je povezana z opravljanjem gospodarske javne službe in posledice, ki jih ima tovrstna ureditev za upravljanje in vodenje podjetij, tako v smislu zagotavljanja skladnosti poslovanja, kot tudi v kontekstu financiranja gospodarskih javnih služb v energetiki. Pri tem smo prvenstveno predstavili relevantno teorijo in normativni okvir, v katerem delujejo gospodarske javne službe nasploh, nato pa podrobneje analiziramo pravne vidike poslovanja javnih gospodarskih služb v elektroenergetskem sektorju.
V drugem delu se posvečamo razrešitvi odprtega doktrinarnega vprašanja, ki se nanaša na samo naravo električne energije v normativnem smislu, upoštevaje proces liberalizacije dobavnega in proizvodnega trga. Električna energija je namreč skozi navedeni proces postala tržno blago, zaradi zagotavljanja dostopa do omrežja pa se zdi, da so še zmerom prisotni posamezni elementi javnih dobrin.
V tretjem delu se osredotočamo na raziskavo pogodbenih tipov po Energetskem zakonu (EZ-1) in vpliv, ki ga ima energetsko pogodbeništvo na upravljanje in vodenje podjetij, ki poslujejo na trgu z električno energijo. Pri vstopanju v pogodbene odnose bo namreč zakoniti zastopnik podjetja primoran izkazati razumevanje velikega števila izjemno specifičnih pogodbenih tipov, ki z nominatnimi kontrakti, kot jih opredeljuje Obligacijski zakonik (OZ) pogosto nimajo veliko skupnega.
Magistrsko delo smo zaključili s predstavitvijo dognanj predmetne raziskave, pri čemer smo nakazali tudi potencial za nadaljnje raziskave, ki so povezane s pravnimi vidiki upravljanja in vodenja podjetij v panogi energetike.
javne službe;gospodarske javne službe;električna energija;energetika;prosta trgovina;zakonodaja;pogodbeno pravo;upravljanje;vodenje;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[L. M. Tomažič] |
UDC: |
347.44:537.214(043.2) |
Views: |
1612 |
Downloads: |
213 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Corporate governance and management in the electricity market between economic public service and free market, with emphasis on energy contracting |
Secondary abstract: |
In our master thesis we are dealing with legal aspects of corporate governance and management of companies which do business in the electricity market. We deal with issues which concern the companies that perform the activity of economic public service as well as with issues, which are relevant for the companies that do business on the liberalised part of the market.
In connection with the above we are researching three groups of questions, first of which are the issues in relation to performing economic public service and the consequences which stem from such a regime and are relevant to corporate governance and management, especially in terms of compliance and financing the economic public service in the energy sector. First we present the relevant theory and normative framework which applies to economic public services in general, then we analyse in detail the legal aspects of doing business as a public economic service in the electricity sector.
In the second part we give attention to solving the open theoretical question, which applies to normative nature of electrical energy itself, taking into account the process of liberalisation of supply and production markets. Electricity namely, through the above-mentioned process, became market good, however due to the need to provide access to network it does indeed seem, that individual elements of a public good are still present.
In the third part we focus on researching the contract types as defined by the Energy act (EZ-1) and the influence, which energy contracting has on corporate governance and management of companies in the electricity sector. When entering into legal relationships, the legal representative needs to demonstrate understanding of a large number of extremely specific contract types, which most of do not have much in common with nominal contracts as defined by the Obligation code (OZ).
We concluded the master thesis with a presentation of the results of our research, which includes also the display of potential for further research, which is related to legal aspects of corporate governance and management of energy enterprises. |
Secondary keywords: |
Energy Contracting;Economic Public Services;Electrical Energy;Compliance;Energy Legislation.; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
II, 69 str. |
ID: |
9132849 |