diplomsko delo
Laura Cipot Hari (Author), Mihaela Koletnik (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Besedje za kmečko hišo in orodje v izbranih prekmurskih govorih je bilo s pomočjo vprašalnice za SLA zbrano besedje iz pomenskih polj "kmečka hiša (prostori, oprema, kuhinjski pribor, gospodarska poslopja, kmetija)" in "kmečko orodje, kmečka opravila in drugo". V prvem sklopu je 101 vprašanje, v drugem pa 134 vprašanj. Zbiranje gradiva je potekalo v štirih vaseh, od katerih so tri zajete v mrežo točk za SLA: v T1 (Lukačevcih - moja domača vas), SLA 388 (Gorica), SLA 402 (Šalovci) in SLA 400 (Križevci v Prekmurju). Govor prvih dveh vasi uvrščamo v osrednje - ravensko podnarečje, govor drugih dveh pa v severno - goričko podnarečje, ki se skupaj z južnim - dolinskim podnarečjem uvrščata v prekmursko narečje. Besedje je posneto z digitalnim diktafonom, zapisano v fonetični obliki ter etimološko pojasnjeno s pomočjo etimoloških slovarjev, prevzete besede pa s pomočjo slovensko-nemškega in nemško-slovenskega ter slovensko-madžarskega in madžarsko-slovenskega slovarja. Opravljena je tudi analiza gradiva, ki kaže, da je skoraj tri četrtine zbranega besedja slovanskega izvora, slaba četrtina besedja je prevzetega, od tega je največ germanizmov, sledijo madžarizmi, najmanj je romanizmov. Sedem izrazov je neznanega izvora. Več prevzetega besedja je v prvem sklopu "kmečka hiša (prostori, oprema, kuhinjski pribor, gospodarska poslopja, kmetija)". Izsledki analize kažejo, da bližina Madžarske ni bistveno vplivala na prekmurščino, je pa veliko večji pečat v prekmurskem jeziku in obravnavanih podnarečjih pustilo sobivanje z nemško skupnostjo v preteklosti.


diplomska dela;dialektologija;prekmursko narečje;ravensko podnarečje;goričko ponarečje;etimologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: L. Cipot Hari]
UDC: 811.163.6'282(043.2)
COBISS: 22142728 Link will open in a new window
Views: 930
Downloads: 126
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Vocabulary for farmhouse and tool in selected speeches of Prekmurje
Secondary abstract: In the thesis entitled Vocabulary for farmhouse and tools in selected speeches of Prekmurje was a vocabulary selected from Farmhouse (facilities, equipment, kitchenware, outbuildings, and farm) and Farm tools, farm work semantic field with the help of a questionnaire for Slovenian linguistic atlas (SLA). There are 101 questions in the first part and 134 questions in the second part. The collection of materials was carried out in four villages, three of which are included in a grid of points for SLA: in P1 (Lukačevci - my home village), SLA 388 (Gorica), SLA 402 (Šalovci) and SLA 400 (Križevci v Prekmurju). The speech of the first two villages is classified in central - Ravensko subdialect, the speech of the other two is classified in north - Goričko subdialect which, together with the south - Dolinsko subdialect fall in dialect of Prekmurje. The vocabulary is recorded with a digital recorder, written in the phonetic form and etymologically explained with the help of etymological dictionaries, the acquired words with the help of the Slovenian-German, German-Slovenian, Slovenian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Slovenian dictionary. An analysis of the material shows that almost three quarters of collected vocabulary has Slavic origin, a quarter of vocabulary is acquired, of which the most Germanisms, followed by Hungarian, at least the Romanisms. There are seven expressions of unknown origin. More acquired vocabulary is in the first partfarmhouse (facilities, equipment, kitchenware, outbuildings, and farm). The results of the analysis show that the proximity of Hungary did not affect the dialect of Prekmurje, but the cohabitation in the past with the German community had much larger impact on the language of Prekmurje and its subdialects.
Secondary keywords: theses;dialectology;dialect of Prekmurje;subdialect of Ravensko;subdialect of Goričko;etymology;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: II, 95 f.
ID: 9132859