diplomsko delo
Iris Štefanec (Author), Alenka Lipovec (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo z naslovom Struktura dodajanja v predšolskem obdobju govori o teoretičnih podlagah omenjene strukture in empiričnih podatkih o sposobnosti otrok za dojemanje le-te. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, koliko so otroci v starosti 5-6 let sposobni doumeti strukturo dodajanja, vezano na računsko operacijo seštevanja. Raziskave smo se lotili z izvajanjem in evalvacijo matematične aktivnosti Lonček, skozi katero smo tudi ugotavljali, ali je ta primerna za to starost, ter katerega načina seštevanja so se otroci posluževali. Raziskovanje smo izvedli na podlagi eksperimentalne in kontrolne skupine, kjer smo primerjali razliko v sposobnostih med incialnim in finalnim preizkusom. Obenem pa smo želeli z izbrano matematično aktivnostjo otrokom seštevanje predstaviti kot nekaj prijetnega in zanimivega. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili nekatere teorije učenja, pojem in principe štetja, razumevanje in strukture seštevanja ter matematiko iz kurikuluma za vrtce, vezano na razvoj štetja in seštevanja. V praktičnem delu smo izvedli matematično aktivnost Lonček, ki poteka tako, da otrok izbere kartico s števili in pikami, vrže igralno kocko s števili ter zloži ustrezno število kock pred oz. v lonček. Sledi vprašanje za otroka: "Koliko kock imamo skupaj?" Otrok pove odgovor, mi pa zabeležimo njegov način reševanja. V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda in metoda ugotavljanja trenutnega stanja. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 47 predšolskih otrok starih 5-6 let. Predmet statistične obdelave so bili načini reševanja matematične aktivnosti in ugotoviti, do katerega števila so otroci sposobni seštevanja. Otrokom je bila aktivnost zanimiva in pri reševanju ni bilo zaznati večjih težav. Rezultati so pokazali, da so otroci v predšolskem obdobju sposobni reševanja nalog iz strukture dodajanja, vendar na izbiro načina seštevanja vplivata velikost in kombinacija seštevancev. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bila eksperimentalna skupina po uspešnosti v finalnen preizkusu v prednosti, pred kontrolno skupino. Upamo, da bomo z našim diplomskim delom spodbudili vzgojiteljice v vrtcu, da bodo takšne in podobne matematične aktivnosti večkrat ponudile otrokom.


diplomska dela;matematika;število;štetje;seštevanje;struktura dodajanja;predšolski otroci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [I. Štefanec]
UDC: 373.2:51(043.2)
COBISS: 22215432 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1009
Downloads: 122
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This thesis is about the theoretical background of the structure of adding and the capacity for children to grasp this concept. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the extent to which children aged 5 and 6 understand the structure of adding, which is connected to the arithmetic operation of addition. We began our study by implementing and evaluating a mathematical activity called "Lonček" (Cup), with which we found out whether this activity was suitable for this age group, and what type of addition the children utilized. Our study was conducted on one experimental and one control group, which we compared using an initial and final test. By using our chosen mathematical activity, we also aimed to present addition as something pleasant and interesting. In the theoretical part, we present certain teaching methods, the concept and principles of counting, the structure and understanding of addition, and mathematics as it is taught in the kindergarten curriculum in connection with the child's development of counting and adding skills. In the practical part we used the mathematical activity "Lonček" (Cup), in which the child chooses a card with numbers and dots, throws the numbered dice, and places the correct sum of blocks in or in front of the cup. We then asked each child how many blocks there were all together. The child gave us an answer and we recorded their method of solving the given problem. In the empirical part we used the descriptive method and the method of current state analysis. Forty-seven preschool children aged 5-6 took part in this study. Our statistic analysis included the various ways in which the children solved the math activity, and the highest number with which the children were able to cope. The children found the activity interesting, and there were no notable problems during the activity. The results showed that preschool children are capable of solving activities based on the structure of adding, but their method of addition varies depending on the size and combination of numbers. We also noted that the experimental group had better results than the control group in the final test. With our research we hope to give incentive to preschool teachers to include similar mathematical activities in their own classrooms.
Secondary keywords: theses;mathematics;numbers;counting;addition;the structure of adding;preschool children;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 73 f.
ID: 9133022
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