magistrska naloga


Pogoj za uspešno prevajanje kulturno-specifičnih elementov je odlično poznavanje ciljnega jezika in kulture. V magistrski nalogi smo opredelili pojem prevajanja in kulture ter definirali avdiovizualno prevajanje, pri čemer nam je bila v pomoč tuja znanstvena literatura. Ker smo v magistrski nalogi želeli tudi pojasniti ustrezne strategije za prevajanje kulturno-specifičnih elementov, smo se osredinili na teorijo Brigit Nedergaard-Larsen in obravnavali njen članek z naslovom Culture-bound Problems in Subtitling. Magistrska naloga daje poudarek na prevajanju kulturno-specifičnih elementov pri podnaslavljanju humoristične serije Prijatelji. Analizirali smo izbrane epizode prve, druge in tretje sezone nanizanke. Rezultate smo podali v obliki grafikona v devetem poglavju. Izkazalo se je, da uradni prevajalec več kot polovico kulturno-specifičnih izrazov ni ustrezno prevedel. Tako smo ovrgli naše hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, da prevajalec mora pri podnaslavljanju upoštevati določene dejavnike, tako jezikovne kot tehnične. Poznati mora značilnosti izvirne in ciljne kulture, upoštevati znanje, ki ga ima gledalec ciljnega jezika, in pa tudi časovno in prostorsko stisko pri podnaslavljanju. Tako lahko zaključimo, da podnaslavljanje še zdaleč ni enostaven proces, kot morda menijo nekateri.


avdiovizualno prevajanje;podnaslavljanje;kulturno-specifični elementi;humoristične nanizanke;Prijatelji;strategije prevajanja;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Florjanič]
UDC: 81'255:791-24=111(73)=163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 22204424 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1815
Downloads: 199
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Translation of cultural-specific elements in the sitcom Friends
Secondary abstract: In order to be successful at translating cultural-specific elements, the translator must possess excellent knowledge of the target language and culture. In master's thesis we defined the concept of translation and culture as well as audiovisual translation, with the help of the foreign scientific literature. Since one of the objectives of this thesis was to clarify the appropriate strategies for translating cultural-specific elements, we focused on a theory of Brigit Nedergaard-Larsen and discussed her article titled Culture-bound Problems in Subtitling. Master's thesis puts emphasis on translating cultural-specific elements in the subtitling the sitcom Friends. We analyzed selected episodes of the first, second s and third eason of the sitcom. The results were presented in the form of a diagram in the Chapter 9. It was distinguished that the professional translator translated more than half of cultural-specific elements properly. Thus, we confirmed our hypotheses. We established that translator must consider certain factors in subtitling, such as linguistic as technical. He/she must be familiar with the characteristics of source and target culture, and also consider the knowledge held by the viewers of target culture, as well as time and space restrictions in subtitling. Therefore we can conclude that subtitling is far from being an easy process, as some might believe.
Secondary keywords: audiovisual translation;subtitling;cultural-specific elements;sitcoms;Friends;translation strategies;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: II, 103 f.
ID: 9133240