diplomsko delo
Anja Vanček (Author), Matjaž Klemenčič (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vinogradniško izrazje Gorenje Pirošice so zajeti rezultati preučevanja vinogradniškega izrazja, ki so ga v preteklosti in ga še danes uporabljajo v vasi Gorenja Pirošica ter glasoslovne in oblikoslovne značilnosti govora omenjene vasi. Gradivo je zbrano s pomočjo Vprašalnice za Slovenski lingvistični atlas in prostega govora informatorja. Na podlagi tega sem sestavila in napisala abecedni slovar vinogradniškega izrazja. S preučevanjem strokovne literature sem v prvem delu diplomske naloge najprej opisala nekatere značilnosti, povezane z vinogradništvom (zgodovino, sorte vin, vinogradne okoliše, vino in zdravje), nato pa s pomočjo narečnega besedila in literature govor Gorenje Pirošice umestila v narečni prostor. Sledijo glasoslovne značilnosti in posebnosti v oblikoslovju. Drugi, obsežnejši del diplome, pa sem posvetila zapisu vinogradniške vprašalnice in sestavi samega slovarja. V abecednem slovarju je 180 gesel, od tega največ samostalnikov. Vanj je vključeno vse, kar je povezano z vinogradništvom, od začetka obdelave zemlje do končnega nastanka vina. Narečni izrazi, ki so se uporabljali v preteklosti, so predvsem mladim manj znani. Slovar zajema tudi prevzete besede, največ je germanizmov. Na koncu geselskega članka je zapisano, ali sta izraz in njegov pomen zapisana v SSKJ-ju ali v Pleteršnikovem slovarju.


diplomska dela;Nemčija med vojnama;nacionalsocializem;Hitlerjev zpon;politika popuščanja;druga svetovna vojna;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Vanček]
UDC: 94(430):070(=163.6)"1933/1941"(043.2)
COBISS: 22226952 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1192
Downloads: 150
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Germany between the years 1933 and 1941 in the eyes of the Slovenec and Slovenski narod newspapers
Secondary abstract: Gorenja Pirošica Viticultural Terminology is the title of my diploma thesis which includes the results of viticultural terminology study, the terminology which was used in the past and is nowadays still used in the village of Gorenja Pirošica. However, it also includes phonological and morphological speech characteristics of the above mentioned village. The material has been collected by means of Slovenski lingvistični atlas and free speech informer. On the basis of the previously mentioned an alphabetical dictionary of viticultural terminology has been drawn together and written down. Some characteristics connected with winegrowing (such as the history, sorts of wine, winegrowing areas, wine and health) were described in the first part of the thesis by studying professional literature. By studying dialect texts and literature, the Gorenja Pirošica speech was later fit into its dialect area. This part is followed by phonological characteristics and specialties in regards to morphology. The substantial part of the thesis is dedicated to record the vineyards questionnaires and the construction of the dictionary. There are 180 words in the alphabetical dictionary, most of them are nouns. The dictionary itself includes everything which is connected with viticulture, since the beginning of tillage to the final formation of wine. Dialect expressions which were used in the past are unknown to younger people nowadays. The dictionary also includes acquired words that mostly came from Germanic language. At the end of each parole article it is written whether the expression and its meaning are listed in the Dictionary of Standard Slovenian Language or Pleteršnik's Dictionary.
Secondary keywords: theses;Germany between the World Wars;National Socialism;Hitler's ascent;appeasement policy;second World War;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 79 f.
ID: 9133876