magistrsko delo
Gašper Kump (Author), Vesna Štemberger (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali mnenje razrednih učiteljev o poučevanju malega rokometa. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako radi učitelji poučujejo predmet šport in kako radi poučujejo vsebine malega rokometa. Zanimalo nas je tudi mnenje učiteljev, kako radi imajo učenci mali rokomet, v kakšnih pogojih poučujejo in ali pogoji vplivajo na poučevanje malega rokometa. Ugotoviti smo želeli, katerim vsebinam učitelji po učnem načrtu namenijo največ pozornosti, kako pogosto uporabljajo elementarne igre z žogo v uvodnem delu in žoge pri izvajanju gimnastičnih vaj, kakšne ekipe sestavljajo za igro in ali pri igri pravila prirejajo in poenostavljajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako uspešne in usposobljene ter pripravljene za dodatno izobraževanja na področju malega rokometa se čutijo učitelji. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V empiričnem delu smo v vzorec vključili 122 (sto dvaindvajset) razrednih učiteljev 4. in 5. razredov devetletne osnovne šole. Za obdelavo podatkov smo uporabili metode osnovne statistike. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je učiteljev, ki predmet šport poučujejo radi, 47,5 odstotka, učiteljev, ki predmet šport poučujejo zelo radi, pa 36,1 odstotka. Vsebine malega rokometa 50,0 % učiteljev rado poučuje, 60,7 % pa jih meni, da imajo učenci radi vsebine malega rokometa. 54,1 % učiteljev meni, da šole nudijo ustrezno število rokometnih žog, ustrezne dimenzije žog (56,6 %) in ustrezno število rokometnih golov (56,6 %). Pogoji za poučevanje malega rokometa po mnenju učiteljev večinoma delno vplivajo (36,9 %) na poučevanje malega rokometa. Učitelji pogosto (50,0 %) uporabljajo elementarne igre z žogo v uvodnem delu in 33,6 % jih občasno uporablja žoge pri gimnastičnih vajah. Učitelji najpogosteje na prvo mesto uvrščajo vsebine naravnih oblik gibanj (38,5 %), atletike (18,9 %) in gimnastike z ritmično izraznostjo (16,4 %). Ugotovili smo, da učitelji sestavljajo ekipe, kjer učenke in učenci igrajo skupaj (58,2 %), občasno ekipe, kjer učenke in učenci igrajo ločeno (44,3 %), in ekipe, kjer včasih učenke in učenci igrajo skupaj, včasih ločeno (41,0 %). Polovica učiteljev se počuti uspešne (56,5 %) pri poučevanju malega rokometa. Za poučevanje malega rokometa 36,9 % učiteljev meni, da imajo dovolj znanja, 59,8 % pa bi se jih še izobraževalo na tem področju.


mali rokomet;vadbena oprema;pravila;razredni učitelji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [G. Kump]
UDC: 796.322:373.3(043.3)
COBISS: 10964297 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1064
Downloads: 172
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The primary teachers' opinions on teaching mini handball
Secondary abstract: In this master thesis we were determing opinions of classroom teachers on teaching a mini handball. The aim of the master thesis was to find out how much teachers like teaching subjects like sport and contents of a mini handball. We were also interested in how much the pupils like a mini handball. We want to know under what conditions the teachers are teaching and if this conditions affect teaching of mini handball. We wanted to find out to which contents the teachers pay more attention on curriculum. How often they use the elementary games with ball in the introductory part and carrying out balls by the gymnastic exercises. What kind of team is organized for the game and if the rules of the game are simplified. We also wanted to know how successful and qualified the teachers are and if they are ready for further education in mini handball. Master's thesis consist of theoretical and empirical part. In the empirical part is included the sample of 122 (one hundred and twenty-two) classroom teachers of 4th and 5th graders of primary school. For data processing we used the methods of basic statistics. In this study we found out that 47.5 % of teachers like teaching sport and 36.1 % of them like to teach sport very much. 50.0 % of teachers like to teach content of mini handball and 60.7 % of them believe that the students like the mini handball. 54.1 % of teachers believe that schools provide an adequate number of handballs, the appropriate dimensions of the balls (56.6 %) and the corresponding number of handball goals (56.6 %). By the teachers opinion the conditions for teaching mini handball are partly influenced (36.9 %) on teaching a mini handball. Teachers often (50.0 %) use elementary games with ball in the introductory part and 33.6 % of them occasionally used them in gymnastic exercises. Teachers most often put in the first place the contents of the natural forms of exercise (38.5 %), athletics (18.9 %) and gymnastics with rhythmic expressiveness (16.4 %). We found out that teachers are consisting teams of girls and boys playing together (58.2 %) and occasionally teams where boys and girls are separated (44.3 %). Sometimes they make teams where pupils play together or separated (41.0 %). Half of the teachers are feeling successful (56.5 %) in teaching a mini handball. 36.9 % of teachers think that they have enough knowledge for teaching mini handball and 59.8 % would like to be further educated in this field.
Secondary keywords: sport;primary education;opinion;šport;osnovnošolski pouk;mnenje;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji
Pages: X, 90 str.
ID: 9134116