diplomsko delo
Tadej Gombač (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


Šmartinsko jezero ima potencial za razvoj turizma na svojem območju z ožjim zaledjem in prikaz le-tega je bil namen te diplomske naloge. Razvojno programski načrt turističnega območja Šmartinskega jezera z zaledjem, izdelan leta 2005 na zahtevo Zavoda Celeia, lepo prikazuje vse potenciale in predvideva njihov nastanek in razvoj. S pomočjo izvedene ankete smo opravili segmentacijo obiskovalcev jezera in jih razdelili v smiselne segmente, od katerih je najbolj prevladujoč segment družin lokalnega prebivalstva. Nadalje smo opredelili najbolj priljubljene turistične storitve, ki jih obiskovalci jezera pričakujejo ob njihovem obisku in ugotovili, da sta to neokrnjena narava in urejene sprehajalne poti. Obiskovalcem najpomembnejši viri informacij o jezeru predstavljajo dobre izkušnje prijateljev in informacije na svetovnem spletu. Jezero obiskujejo osebe vseh starostnih skupin, med katerimi je najštevilčnejša starostna skupina od 30 do 44 let. Pri primerjavi jezera z Velenjskim in Schwarzlsee jezerom smo ugotovili, da sta obe navedeni jezeri bolj razviti in obiskovalcem ponujata bistveno več, kot ponuja Šmartinsko jezero. Kljub dejstvom boljše razvitosti ostalih dveh jezer se nam investicije v Šmartinsko jezero zdijo več kot smiselne, saj smo prepričani, da bodo le te pripomogle k večji pestrosti ponudbe jezera in okolice ter s tem privabile večje število obiskovalcev.


turizem;turistične destinacije;storitve;jezera;marketing;segmentacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Gombač]
UDC: 338.48-44(285.2)(043.2)
COBISS: 12516124 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1815
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tourism services marketing at Šmartinsko Lake
Secondary abstract: The Šmartinsko lake holds the potential for the development of tourism in the area and the narrower surroundings, and the purpose of this diploma thesis was to demonstrate this potential. The development programme for the tourist area of Lake Šmartinsko and its surroundings, which was prepared in 2005 at the request of the Celeia Institute. It shows all the potentials and predicts their occurrence and development. A questionnaire was used to prepare a segmentation of visitors to the lake and to divide them into sensible groups, with the prevailing segment being that of local families. We further defined the most popular tourism services that the lake visitors expect upon visiting. We found out that these were unspoilt nature and walking trails. Visitors find the most important sources of information on the lake to be the good experience of their friends (word of mouth) and online information. The lake is visited by people from all age groups, with the 30 to 44 age group prevailing. A comparison of the Šmartinsko lake with the Lake Velenje and the Schwarzlsee has shown that these two lakes are more developed and offer visitors much more than the Šmartinsko Lake. Despite these two lakes being more developed, we find that investments into the Šmartinsko Lake area are more than sensible, since we are convinced that they will contribute to the diversity of the offer of the lake and its surroundings, and help attract larger numbers of visitors.
Secondary keywords: Šmartinsko Lake;Velenje Lake;Schwarzlsee;tourism destination;segmentation;tourism destination marketing;lake tourism.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 32 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 9134704