diplomsko delo
Matija Ternovšek (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


V današnjem času ostre lokalne in tuje konkurence je pomembno, da podjetja uspešno in učinkovito poslujejo. Do boljših poslovnih rezultatov lahko privede uspešno in učinkovito vodenje. Vodenje je odvisno od številnih dejavnikov, na primer od same organizacije, vizije in politike podjetja. Ravno ta vizija organizacije in njena politika imata velik vpliv na sam proces vodenja. Odločata, kakšno bo vodenje, ali bo to usmerjeno na ljudi ali bo usmerjeno na cilje in rezultate organizacije. Način, model in stil vodenja pa so pogojeni tudi z vodjo oziroma managerjem in njegovimi podrejenimi. Ne moremo trditi, da je določen model vodenja najbolj primeren, saj lahko posameznik uporablja tudi več kot en model vodenja, saj so vsakodnevne situacije ali naloge drugačne in je treba temu ustrezno prilagoditi tudi samo vodenje. Namen diplomskega dela je proučiti model vodenja določenega oddelka v storitvenem podjetju »X« in analizirati, ali je izbrani model vodenja ustrezen, ter predlagati morebitne izboljšave, spremembe. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del vsebuje dve glavni poglavji. Prvo poglavje je sodobno vodenje podjetja, v katerem smo obrazložili, kaj je vodenje, management, kdo je manager, in opisali teoretične vidike za razne oblike vodenja podjetja. Opisali smo tudi komunikacijo, konflikte in kaj vpliva na uspešnost podjetij. Drugo poglavje je predstavitev storitvenega podjetja »X«, v katerem smo na kratko predstavili podjetje in vodjo oddelka ter njegove naloge. V empiričnem delu smo se lotili raziskave o modelu vodenja na določenem oddelku v storitvenem podjetju »X« in preverjanja hipotez, ki smo si jih zastavili o vodenju oddelka. Raziskava se je nanašala na vodenje, anketiranci so ocenili, kakšen stil vodenja uporablja vodja, kako rešuje probleme, kakšna je njegova komunikacija, kakšni so medsebojni odnosi in kako so zadovoljni s svojim delovnim mestom. Ugotovili smo, da so delavci v večini zadovoljni s svojim delovnim mestom in z vodenjem svojega nadrejenega. Le-ta pa svoje vodenje prilagaja glede na situacije in zadovoljuje potrebe in cilje svojega podjetja ter svojih zaposlenih.


management;vodenje;stili vodenja;modeli;manager;uspešnost poslovanja;zadovoljstvo zaposlenih;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Ternovšek]
UDC: 005(043.2)
COBISS: 12315676 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1532
Downloads: 172
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂmanagement model of service company "X"
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, where there is fierce local and foreign competition, it is important that companies operate efficiently and effectively. An effective and efficient management can lead to better operating results. Management depends on many factors, such as organization, vision and policies of a company. It is the vision of the organization and its policies that have a huge impact on the very process of management. The combination of the two will decide the outcome of the conduct; will it focus on people or on the objectives and results of the organization. The way, model and management style are the subject of a leader or manager and its subsidiaries. We cannot state that a particular management model is the most suitable while an individual can apply more than one management model. Everyday situations or tasks are different and it is necessary to adapt the management itself. The purpose of the diploma paper is to examine the management model of a particular department in the service company "X". To analyze whether the selected management model is appropriate and suggest possible improvements, changes. The diploma is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part contains two main sections. The first section is a modern management company, where we explain what leadership is, management, who the manager is and describe the theoretical aspects of various forms of corporate management. We also describe communication, conflict and what impacts the company performance. The second section is the presentation of the service company "X", where we briefly introduce the company, the head of the department and his/her functions. In the empirical part we begin the research on the management model in the given department in the service company "X". Next are the verifications of the hypotheses, which we have set on the managing department. The research relates to leadership, respondents’ assessment which management styles their manager uses, how he/she solves problems, what is his/her communication, what are the relationships and how they are satisfied at their workplace. We have concluded that almost all workers are satisfied at their work and the conduct of their superior. This individual is constantly adjusting according to the situation, but also meets the needs and objectives of the company and its employees.
Secondary keywords: management;manager;management models;company performance;employee satisfaction;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 59 str., 8 str. pril.
ID: 9134728
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