magistrsko delo
Magistrsko delo prikazuje študijo razbarvanja vodnih raztopin dveh reaktivnih barvil C.I. Reactive Blue 268 (RB268) in C.I. Reactive Blue 4 (RB4) ter nekaterih realnih tekstilnih odpadnih vod z naprednimi oksidacijskimi postopki (AOP) kot so H2O2/UV, Foto-fenton (H2O2/UV/Fe2+), napredni Foto-fenton postopek (H2O2/UV/Fe0). Razbarvanja s H2O2/UV postopki smo uspeli še izboljšati z dodatkom raztopine MnTACN, ki se je do sedaj uporabljala kot katalizator za beljenje bombaža. Rezultati študije kažejo, da že dodatki relativno nizkih koncentracij H2O2, Fe2+ ionov ali železa v prahu ter raztopine MnTACN med AOP postopki, zvišajo razbarvanja nad 90% v zelo kratkem času izvajanja postopka (5-10 min) za raztopine obeh izbranih barvila, kar je pomebno tako iz ekonomskega kot ekološkega vidika.
Ugotovili smo, da so izbrani AOP postopki zelo uspešni za razbarvanje raztopin barvila RB268 in barvilo RB4, čeprav ima barvilo RB268 zelo kompleksno strukturo in večjo molekulsko maso v primerjavi z barvilom RB4. Zaradi uporabe raztopine MnTACN pri AOP postopkih so nas zanimali tudi razgradni produkti, ki pri tem nastanejo. Za določitev razgradnih produktov smo uporabili H2O2/UV postopek ter vodno raztopino barvila RB4, ki je pogosteje uporabljeno.
Izbrani AOP postopki (H2O2/UV/MnTACN) pa niso bili tako zelo učinkoviti pri razbarvanju realnih tekstilnih odpadnih vod. Relativno dobro razbarvanje smo dosegli v primeru realne tekstilne odpadne vode, ki je bila modro obarvana. Za rdeče ter rumenozeleno obarvano realno odpadno vodo pa H2O2/UV/MnTACN postopki niso bili uspešni
tekstilne odpadne vode;reaktivna barvila;napredni oksidacijski postopki;AOP;foto-Fenton postopek;napredni doto-Fenton postopek;MnTACN;magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[L. Škodič] |
UDC: |
678.08(043) |
Views: |
1397 |
Downloads: |
164 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Cleaning of textile wastewater with UV/H2O2 process |
Secondary abstract: |
In the master's thesis were studied the decolourisation and mineralization of aqueous solutions of two reactive dyesC.I: Reactive Blue 268(RB268) and C.I. Reactive Blue 4 (RB4) and of some real textile wastewater using various Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) such as: H2O2/UV, photo-fenton (H2O2/UV/Fe2+), advanced photo-fenton (H2O2/UV/Fe0). The decolourisation with H2O2 / UV processes, we improved with the addition of a solution of MnTACN, which has been used as a catalyst for the bleaching of cotton. The results of our study demonstrated that the additions of moderate concentracion of H2O2, Fe2 + ions or iron powder and a solution of MnTACN during the AOPs evidently increased the decolourization efficiencies up to 90 % within a first few minutes of the processing time (5-10 min) for both tested dyes. This is important from both economic and ecological points of view.
We found that all thested AOPs were very successful methods for decolourization of both dyes RB268 and RB4, although the dye RB268 having very complex structure and much higher molecular weight compered to the dye RB4. Due to the use of the solution of MnTACN in the AOPs we were also interested of degradation products which incured. For determined of the degradation products we were used H2O2 / UV process and aqueous dye RB4, wich is much more frequently used.Thested AOPs(H2O2/UV/MnTACN) have not been very effective for decolourization of real textile effluents. Relatively good decolourization efficiencies was achieved only in the case of real textile effluents, which was a blue-colored. For decolourization of red and yellow green colored real waste water were H2O2/UV/MnTACN procedures not successful |
Secondary keywords: |
textile wastewater;reactive dyes;advanced oxidation processes;AOPs;advanced photo-Fenton;MnTACN; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo |
Pages: |
IV, 92 str. |
ID: |
9134802 |