diplomsko delo
Danijela Kozol (Author), Sonja Sibila Lebe (Mentor)


Vloga gastronomije v turistični ponudbi določenega kraja igra izredno pomembno vlogo pri večanju turistične prepoznavnosti in povečevanju obsega gastronomskega turizma. Vsak turist mora na potovanju jesti in piti, vendar se namen obiska določenega kraja, ki temelji predvsem na okušanju lokalnih posebnosti v hrani in pijači ter skozi le-to spoznavati samo kulturo kraja, zgodovino in tradicijo kraja, bistveno razlikuje od drugih namenov. Kadar potujemo izključno v določen kraj z namenom tovrstnega okušanja, so ponudniki gastronomskih turističnih storitev dosegli svoj namen. V prvem poglavju smo opredelili raziskovalni namen ter zastavili cilje in hipoteze ter predpostavke in omejitve naloge. Naredili smo tudi raziskovalne metode. V drugem poglavju smo nalogi zastavili teoretični okvir. Prikazali smo vlogo gastronomije v turistični ponudbi. Vlogo kulinaričnih dogodkov smo predstavili v tretjem poglavju , ki prikazujejo korak naprej k izpolnjevanju cilja: doseči kulinarično privlačnost občine Hoče-Slivnica ter njeno prepoznavnost zaradi kulinaričnih posebnosti. V tem poglavju smo območje osvetlili tudi z geografskega in kulturnega vidika, prikazali pomen ekološkega povezovanja za nabavo surovin in analizirali vlogo pridelave ekoloških surovin za zdravo prehrano, ki je pogoj za dobro kulinariko kraja. V nadaljevanju poglavij smo predstavili zgodovinsko podlago razvoja gastronomije kraja kot tudi jedi, ki so tipične za to območje. Poleg tega smo opravili analizo stanja v sedanjih gostinskih lokalih po občini. Če povzamemo, smo v raziskavi ugotovili, da je na tem področju potrebno še marsikaj narediti, če si občina želi povečati gastronomsko doživljanje za turiste. Ključne besede: gastronomija, kulinarika, gastronomski turizem, občina Hoče- Slivnica, ekološka pridelava, lokalna/narodna kuhinja, analiza lokalnih gastronomskih posebnosti.


turizem;kulinarika;gastronomija;gastronomski turizem;ekološka pridelava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Kozol]
UDC: 338.48:641/642(043.2)
COBISS: 12552220 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1702
Downloads: 149
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Role of gastronomy in tourism offer of the Hoče-Slivnica municipality
Secondary abstract: Gastronomy plays a very significant role in the tourist offer of a certain location as it increases both its tourist visibility and its gastronomy tourism. Every tourist has to eat and drink when travelling. However, when the purpose of travelling to a certain destination is mainly to experience its special local food and drink and, via that, to learn about the destination's culture, history and traditions, such travelling considerably differs from travelling for any other purpose. When we decide to travel to a certain destination with the aim to taste its local gastronomic specialities, the providers of gastronomic tourist offer have attained their goal. In the first chapter we identified research purposes, set goals, hyphotesis, assumptions and restrictions of the research. We also have done research methods. In the second chapter we set the theoretical framework to the research. We show the role of the gastronomy in tourism offer. The third chapter describes the role of gastronomic events as a step towards the fulfilment of the goal, which is to achieve gastronomic attractiveness of the Municipality Hoče-Slivnica and its visibility based on its gastronomic specialities. In the third chapter, we also present the area from its geographic and cultural aspects, show the importance of ecological networking for the procurement of raw materials, and analyse the role of growing organic produce for healthy nutrition as apre-condition for a good gastronomic offer of the location. On the basis of the existing written records and oral sources, the following chapters present the historical foundations for the development of local gastronomy and typical local dishes. In addition, we present there sults of the analysis of the existing catering establishments in the municipality. Based on the survey, we established that a lot still needs to be done in this field if the municipality wishes to enhance the gastronomic experience for tourists. Key words: gastronomy, cuisine, gastronomy tourism, Municipality Hoče-Slivnica, organic farming, local/national cuisine, analysis of local gastronomic specialities.  
Secondary keywords: gastronomy;cuisine;gastronomy tourism;Municipality Hoče-Slivnica;organic farming;local/national cuisine;analysis of local gastronomic specialities.  ;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 33 str., [2] str. pril.
ID: 9135502
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