diplomsko delo
Jasmina Hlačar (Author), Žan Oplotnik (Mentor)


Poslovanje podjetij na mednarodnih trgih je tesno povezano z uporabo instrumentov mednarodnih plačil in zavarovanj. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili značilnosti plačila na odprt račun, predplačila, dokumentarnega inkasa, menice, dokumentarnega akreditiva, bančne plačilne obveze, bančne garancije, izvoznega kredita, faktoringa, forfaitinga in izvedenih finančnih instrumentov. Velika konkurenca na mednarodnih trgih, kamor vedno vstopajo novi proizvajalci in novi ponudniki storitev, zahteva tudi nove načine zavarovanja plačil. Temu trendu sledijo tudi banke v Sloveniji, zato smo v diplomski nalogi podrobno predstavili uporabo bančne plačilne obveze, kot novo bančno rešitev na področju plačilnih instrumentov in instrumentov zavarovanja. Prav tako smo analizirali uporabo bančnih garancij pri poslovanju podjetij, ker je to najpogosteje uporabljen instrument zavarovanja. Gospodarska rast v slovenskih največjih trgovinskih partnericah daje podjetjem, ki poslujeo na mednarodnih trgih, nove priložnosti. Zato je dobro poznavanje in pravilna izbira instrumentov mednarodnih plačil in zavarovanj ključnega pomena pri sklepanju poslov na mednarodnih trgih. Podjetjem omogoča obvladovanje tveganj in uspešno zaključevanje poslov.


mednarodne finance;plačilni instrumenti;bančne garancije;tveganje;zavarovanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Hlačar]
UDC: 339.7(043.2)
COBISS: 12437788 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1239
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: International payment and insurance instruments
Secondary abstract: Operations of enterprises in the international markets are closely linked to the use of the international payment and insurance instruments. The thesis analyses characteristics of several instruments, such as open account transaction, advance payment, documentary collections, bill of exchange, irrevocable letter of credit, bank payment obligation, bank guarantee, export credit, factoring, forfeiting and derivative financial instruments. International market competition continues to grow with the increasing numbers of new manufacturers and service providers, which demands also new ways of payment protection insurance. This trend is being followed also by the banks in Slovenia. The thesis is, therefore, focusing on the bank payment obligation, as a new solution in the field of payment and insurance instruments for the banking sector. Moreover, the thesis provides an analysis of the use of bank guarantee by the enterprises, since this is the most widespread insurance instrument. Economic growth of our Slovenian biggest trade partners provides new opportunities for the enterprises that are operating in the international markets. Therefore, good knowledge of and the right choice of the international payment instruments and insurances is the key component of international business. With this, the enterprises can improve their risk management and the success of their operations.
Secondary keywords: bank payment obligation;bank guarantee;payment instruments;trade insurance;risk.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 34 str.
ID: 9136397
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