magistrsko delo
Andreja Knez (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor), Jadranka Stričević (Co-mentor)


Od prve postavljene diagnoze avtizma leta 1943 do zdaj se je njegovo razumevanje precej izboljšalo in poglobilo. Zaradi raznovrstnosti oblik in različnih stopenj težavnosti avtističnih motenj te imenujemo motnje avtističnega spektra (MAS). Kljub številnim interdisciplinarnim raziskavam je etiologija avtizma še zdaj nejasna. Incidenca avtizma je v epidemičnem porastu. V letu 2010 je bila v ZDA med osemletnimi otroki pojavnost avtizma 1 : 68, od tega ima MAS skoraj petkrat več fantkov kot deklic. V Sloveniji uradnega podatka nimamo. Zaradi nejasne etiologije in kompleksnosti motenj ni mogoče predpisati enotne standardne terapije. Terapevtski pristopi so zelo različni. Zelo pomemben dejavnik pri otrokovem napredku so starši, ki jim tudi strokovnjaki priznavajo pomembno terapevtsko vlogo. Veliko uspešnih terapevtskih metod so soustvarjali ali razvili starši, ki so tudi glavno gibalo raziskav, promocije in podpornih skupin na področju avtizma. Ena takšnih terapevtskih metod je ameriški Son-Rise Program®, ki se izvaja v domačem okolju pod vodstvom staršev. V izvajanje metode so vključeni prostovoljci, ki jih za delo s svojim otrokom po načelih Son-Rise Programa® usposobijo starši. Metoda je specifična in široko dostopna, saj je njeno izvajanje popolnoma brezplačno. Kljub navedenemu pa je finančno zahtevna izključno zaradi dejstva, da je zdaj usposabljanje staršev mogoče samo v tujini. V nalogi smo povezali tri področja – avtizem, prostovoljstvo in usposabljanje. V teoretičnem in empiričnem delu smo raziskali potrebe vseh udeležencev po organizirani obliki prostovoljstva za avtizem; potrebe staršev, potencialnih prostovoljcev in prostovoljske organizacije. Med drugim smo ugotavljali pripravljenost za prostovoljsko pomoč za avtizem, vpliv avtizma na življenje v družini, pripravljenost za sprejem prostovoljcev v družinsko okolje in potrebo po usposabljanju prostovoljcev. Dokazali smo, da so osebe, ki poznajo nekoga z avtizmom, bolj pripravljene prostovoljsko pomagati otrokom z avtizmom. Ugotovili smo, da so vsi starši, ne glede na starostno skupino, zelo verjetno pripravljeni sprejeti prostovoljce v svoj dom. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da avtizem bolj spremeni življenje materam kot očetom otrok z avtizmom. Raziskave vseh udeležencev so potrdile potrebo po ustanovitvi organizirane oblike prostovoljstva in usposabljanju prostovoljcev. Na podlagi ugotovitev teoretičnega in empiričnega dela raziskave smo oblikovali mednarodno uporaben model usposabljanja prostovoljcev za avtizem, ki vključuje ustanovitev prostovoljske organizacije za avtizem, dopolnjuje sedanjo strukturo usposabljanja in se ujema s konceptom usposabljanja za izvajanje metode Son-Rise Program®.


duševne bolezni;avtizem;prostovoljci;prostovoljno delo;usposabljanje;modeli;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: A. Knez
UDC: 616.896:005.966.2(043.2)
COBISS: 12652828 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2012
Downloads: 231
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Training volunteers to effectively carry out autism treatment according to the Son-Rise Program® method in an international environment
Secondary abstract: The current understanding of autism has significantly improved since the disorder was first diagnosed in 1943. Because of the diversity and varying degrees of severity of autistic disorders, they are commonly called Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The ethiology of autism, however, is still unclear, despite many examples of interdisciplinary research on the subject. The occurrence of autism has been increasing epidemically. In 2010, the incidence of autism among 8-year old children in the USA was 1:68, and boys are almost five times more likely to have ASD than girls. No official summarized patient data is available in Slovenia. Because of the unclear ethiology and the complexity of the disorders it is not possible to prescribe a standard therapy for the affected individuals. The therapeutic approaches are highly varied. A very important factor regarding the child’s progress are the parents themselves, whose important role in therapy has also been acknowledged by experts. Many of the successful therapeutic methods have been developed or co-developed by parents, who are also the main driving force behind the ongoing research, promotional activities and support groups related to autism. One of these methods is the American Son-Rise Program®, which is carried out in the home of the child under the supervision of the parents. Volunteers are also included, and they are trained by the parents according to the principles of the Son-Rise Program®. The method is highly specific but widely available because its implementation and use are completely free. Despite this, the method is still financially demanding because the parents themselves can only be trained abroad at the present time. This study brought together three different concepts: autism, volunteering and training. The needs of all interested parties for an organized form of volunteering for autism were explored both in the theoretical and empirical segment and the needs of the parents, potential volunteers and volunteer organisations were analysed. The readiness for providing volunteer help for autism was also ascertained, as well as the effects of autism on family life, the readiness for accepting volunteers into the home and the need for volunteer training. We have shown that individuals who personally know someone with autism are more likely to provide volunteer help to an autistic child. It has also been determined that all parents, regardless of their age group, would be very likely to accept volunteers into their home. It has been determined that autism has a greater effect on the lives of mothers compared to the fathers of autistic children. Research of all interested parties has confirmed the need for organised form of volunteering and the need for training of volunteers. Based on the theoretical and empirical segments of this study we have designed an internationally applicable model of training volunteers to deal with autism, which includes starting a volunteer organization for autism, adds to the existing training model structure and is fully compatible with the existing training concept based on the Son-Rise Program® method.
Secondary keywords: Autism;Autism Spectrum Disorder;Volunteerism;Volunteer Training;Training Model;Son-Rise Program®;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: VIII, 174 str., [35] str. pril.
ID: 9136987