diplomsko delo


Tematika tega pisnega dela je uvajanje novega izdelka na trg kot odgovor organizacije (to je ekonomskega subjekta, ki nastopa na trgu s svojo ponudbo) na spreminjajoče se trende v okolju. V diplomskem delu, ki je razdeljen na tri poglavja, predstavimo pojem novega izdelka in pomen novih izdelkov za organizacije. Nadalje predstavimo pojem trendi v okolju organizacije in njihov vpliv na odločitve organizacije, kjer izpostavimo odločitve na področju izdelkov. Teoretično predstavimo pojma marketinški management izdelkov in management novih izdelkov. Teoretična izhodišča uporabimo na primeru konkretne organizacije, to je perutninske farme Dobravc, ki se ukvarja z vzrejo mladih kokoši (jarkic) ter rejo kokoši nesnic za proizvodnjo jajc. Osredotočimo se na ekološko naravnanost na področju pridelave v kmetijstvu, kjer je opazen naraščajoči trend tako števila organizacij s tem načinom pridelovanja kot tudi izdelkov, ki jih proizvajajo in ponujajo na trgu. To delovanje/ekološka naravnanost pa je odgovor organizacij na naraščajoči trend povpraševanja po teh, ekoloških izdelkih, na trgu.


trg;novi izdelki;marketing;ekološka zavest;perutnina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Dobravc Keše]
UDC: 658.624(043.2)
COBISS: 12326428 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1499
Downloads: 177
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introduction of a new product to the market
Secondary abstract: The theme of this paper work is the introduction of a new product to the market as a response of an organization (each economic entity which acts in the market with its supply) on the changing trends in the environment. In this thesis, which is divided into three chapters, we introduce the concept of a new product and the importance of new products for the organization. Furthermore, we present the concept of trends in the environment of the organization and their impact on the decisions of the organization, where the decisions based on products are highlighted. Theoretically we introduce the concept of the product management and the management of new products. Theoretical frameworks are used in the case of a specific organization, the poultry farm Dobravc, which is engaged with the rearing of young hens (pullets) and the rearing of laying hens to produce eggs. Here we focus on the ecological awareness in the field of production in agriculture, since there is a growing trend both in the number of organizations using this method of cultivation, as well as products they are manufacturing and offering to the market. This approach / ecological orientation is a response of the organizations on the upward trend in the demand for those organic products on the market.
Secondary keywords: introduction of new products to the market;innovation/new products;ecological orientation;ecological farming;poultry;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 55 str., 1 str. pril.
ID: 9137411