diplomsko delo
Dominika Portić (Author), Vlasta Kučiš (Mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na strokovnega prevajalca tehničnih besedil in prevajanje tehničnih dokumentov. Posebno pozornost smo posvetili strokovni terminologiji, in sicer predvsem terminologiji s področja strojništva. Glede na hiter razvoj se posledično razvija tudi strokovna terminologija. Zaradi hitrega razvoja se vedno znova pojavlja tudi potreba po novih in novih terminih. Na primeru standarda SIST EN ISO 12100, ki vsebuje osnovno strokovno terminologijo v povezavi z varnostjo strojev, smo preučevali uporabnost take terminologije pri prevajanju tehničnih besedil. Terminologijo iz standarda smo iskali v naključno izbranih navodilih za uporabo. Tudi navodila namreč sodijo k tehničnim dokumentom in prav z njimi se prevajalci zelo pogosto srečajo pri svojem delu. Analizirali smo navodila za minisekljalnik, kosilnico z nitko, digitalni multimeter, potopno črpalko in za visokotlačni čistilnik. Ugotavljali smo, koliko izrazov iz standarda lahko najdemo v izbranih navodilih, s katerimi izrazi bi jih še lahko nadomestili in ali obstajajo tudi izrazi, ki so primernejši od teh, ki jih najdemo v standardu. Ugotovili smo, da je možnosti za prevajanje tovrstne terminologije veliko več, kot jih ponuja standard SIST EN ISO 12100, a gre vseeno za uporaben dokument, ki lahko služi kot dobro izhodišče vsem, ki se ukvarjajo s tehniškim prevajanjem.


diplomska dela;tehniško prevajanje;strokovni prevajalec;standardi;strokovna terminologija;strojništvo;navodila za uporabo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [D. Portić]
UDC: 81'255.2:659.132.21
COBISS: 22278408 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1054
Downloads: 106
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: German-Slovene tehnical terminology
Secondary abstract: The main focus point of this diploma thesis is the work of a technical translator and the translation of technical documents. We closely examined the terminology, especially the terminology used in the very fast developing field of engineering. The rapid development in this field is the reason for the ever-increasing demand for new terminology. Based on the standard SIST EN ISO 12100, which includes terminology on machine safety, we analysed the usefulness of the set terminology for the translation of technical documents. We were looking for the terminology set by this standard in randomly selected manuals. Manuals are also technical documents and translators very often encounter these in their work. We have analysed manuals for a mini chopper, a line trimmer, a digital multimeter, an immersion pump, and a pressure washer. We tried to determine, how much of the terminology, set by the standard, can be found in these selected manuals, can this terminology be substituted, and if there are more appropriate terms as set by the standard. We found, that there are many possibilities how technical terminology is translated, not only with the terminology set by the standard SIST EN ISO 12100, yet these documents are still useful as a starting point for anyone that works with technical translation.
Secondary keywords: theses;tehnical translation;tehnical translator;standards;terminology;engineering;manuals;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: III, [124] f.
ID: 9137611