magistrsko delo
Osnova za kvalitetno in učinkovito vodenje podjetij, oddelkov in poslovnih procesov znotraj njih je vsekakor v njihovi pravilno zastavljeni organizaciji. Zato je uvodni del naloge namenjen prav organizaciji in sodobnih organizacijskim teorijam.
Od sodobnih organizacijskih teorij v ospredje postavljamo učečo se organizacijo kot najsodobnejši organizacijski model, ki je tudi osnova za pripravljen organizacijski model klicnega centra. Nenehno učenje je namreč še posebej pomemben sestavni del uspeha le-tega.
Pri organizaciji pa vsekakor ne moremo mimo kadrovanja. Sposobnost odkriti pravi kadrovski potencial je posebna, a zelo pomembna veščina. Izkušnje so nas pripeljale do marsikaterih spoznanj, predvsem, da ima delo prodajnega agenta v klicnem centru kar nekaj posebnosti in zahteva tudi poseben profil kadra. V povezavi s tem morajo biti tudi posebni postopki pri izbiri pravih oseb za delo v klicnem centru.
Ugotavljamo tudi, da se vloga vodij v podjetjih vse bolj spreminja. Ukazovalni pristop pri vodenju ne deluje več, vsaj na dolgi rok ne. Podjetja iščejo vodje, ki si bodo, poleg doseganja rezultatov, sposobni pridobiti tudi zaupanje in spoštovanje svojih podrejenih. Koncept, ki dosledno upošteva filozofijo učeče se organizacije, je avtentično vodenje, ki se od drugih konceptov vodenja loči po tem, da ne opredeljuje sloga vodenja, ki bi ga moral vodja prevzeti, ampak izpostavlja osebnost vodje, ki naj sledi svojemu značaju (Dimovski in ostali, 2009, str. 102). Ocenjujemo, da je avtentično vodenje primeren koncept pri vodenju klicnega centra. Podrobnejši profil menedžerja klicnega centra predstavljamo v organizacijskem modelu.
V poglavjih, kjer opisujemo delovanje in organizacijo klicnih centrov, najprej navajamo njegove značilnosti, prednosti in tudi slabosti. Odgovoriti poskušamo tudi na vprašanje, kdaj je smiselno razmišljati o odprtju klicnega centra, kako velik naj bo in kakšna je najprimernejša oziroma nujna tehnologija, preko katere naj klicni center svoje naloge izvaja.
Ko govorimo o prodajnem pristopu v outbound klicnem centru, moramo poudariti, da že dolgo ne uporabljamo več »šablonskih« prodajnih scenarijev. Nemogoče je namreč pripraviti univerzalni scenarij, ki bi stranko pripeljal do pozitivne odločitve o nakupu. Pri prodajnem klicu je bistvenega pomena vzpostaviti dialog s stranko. O tehnikah, kako vzpostaviti dialog s stranko, ki nas bo pripeljal do prodaje, je opisano v poglavju o izobraževanju prodajnih agentov.
Poleg rednega izobraževanja pa je pomembno ves čas, torej dnevno, spremljati učinkovitost v klicnem centru. Predstavljamo nekaj najpogostejših kazalnikov oziroma kriterijev za merjenje učinkovitosti agentov v klicnem centru in kako se odzvati na odstopanja.
Organizacijski model klicnega centra zaključujemo z modelom nagrajevanja in motiviranja agentov v njem. Osnovni cilj vsakega zaposlenega je zaslužek in ta je tudi največja motivacija za doseganje ciljev tudi agentov v klicnem centru. Pri tem pa je vsekakor nujno, da so ti cilji zastavljeni realno, v nasprotnem primeru bodo na agente vplivali precej demotivacijsko. Velik oziroma pomemben del zaslužka agentov v klicnem centru je provizija od dosežene prodaje, ki se izračuna na podlagi vnaprej pripravljene provizijske lestvice. Ta naj bo, če se le da, zastavljena progresivno. S tem bodo agentje motivirani, da prodajo še več, da pridejo čim višje po prodajni lestvici. Več kot prodajo, višji bo odstotek provizije.
Poleg rednih dohodkov pa je smiselno pripraviti še sistem dodatnega nagrajevanja agentov, in sicer za posebne dosežke posameznega agenta kot tudi za dosežke celotne ekipe. Vsekakor pa ni nujno, da so te dodatne nagrade finančne. Njihov glavni namen je predvsem dodatna motivacija posameznika k temu, da bi dosegel še več. Hkrati pa z ekipnimi nagradami spodbujamo timski duh v oddelku, z njim pa je možno doseči sinergijo v končnih rezultatih oddelka.
organizacija;teorija organizacije;učeča se organizacija;vodenje;zaposlovanje;usposabljanje;izobraževanje;nagrajevanje;klicni centri;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[T. Žvižaj] |
UDC: |
005.7(043.2) |
Views: |
1483 |
Downloads: |
216 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Organizational model of a call centre |
Secondary abstract: |
The basis of a high quality and efficient management of companies, departments and business processes therein is definitely a correct organization. This is why the introductory part of this thesis handles the company organization and modern organizational theories. The modern organizational theory in the foreground of our thesis is the learning organization as the most modern organizational model. This model is also the basis of the organizational model of the call centre. Continuous learning is one of the most important factors in the success of a call centre.
When talking about organizations, one term cannot be brushed aside: human resource management. The ability to discover a true working potential is a special and very important skill. Our experiences have lead us to a number of discoveries; the most prominent of them is that the work of an agent in a call centre is quite specific and requires a specific type of personnel. From this it follows that it also requires special recruiting processes.
We have also discovered that the role of leaders in a company is changing. The commanding approach does not work anymore. At least not in the long term. Companies prefer leaders that are not only focused on results but also are capable of gaining the trust and respect of their employees. The concept that consistently follows the philosophy of continuous learning is authentic leadership. This concept is different from others in that it does not describe a leadership style that a leader should have but emphasizes a leader that follows their character (Dimovski et al., 2009, 102). It is our opinion that authentic leadership is a suitable concept for the management of a call centre. A detailed profile of a call centre manager is presented in the organizational model.
The chapters that describe call centres address their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. We also try to answer the question when it is appropriate to establish a call centre and try to determine the best size of a call centre and discuss the basic technological equipment that should be in us at a call centre.
When we are talking about sale approach in outbound call centres, it is important to say that the time of “templated” sales scripts is long since past. It is impossible to prepare a universal script that would lead the customer to a positive buying decision. The sales call is all about construction a dialogue with the customer. The techniques to start a successful sales dialogue are described in the chapter on the training of sales personnel.Regular training must be accompanied regularly (i.e. daily) by efficiency checks. We present several of the most important metrics/criteria for the measurement of agent efficiency in a call centre, as well as ways to react to deviations.
The organizational model of a call centre is concluded with a reward and motivation model. The main goal of each call centre employee is to earn money and this is also the greatest motivation for achieving goals in a call centre. It is vital that these goals are realistic since they can achieve the adverse effect if they are set unrealistically. An important part of the total earnings for a call centre agent is the sales commission that is calculated using a sales commission scale that has been prepared beforehand. The sales commission scale should be progressive as it motivates the call centre agents to sell more and climb ever higher on the scale and thereby earn more.
An additional reward plan should also be created. This should be separate from the salaried earnings. The reward plan should reward special achievements of call centre agents and the achievements of the whole call centre team. It is not necessary that these rewards be financial. Their main goal is the extra motivation of each call centre agent to achieve more. The team rewards serve the purpose of team-building and achieving greater results of the whole department. |
Secondary keywords: |
modern organizational theory;learning organization;authentic leadership;call centre;call centre organization;leadership;recruitment;training;agent efficiency;employee reward; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 97 str. |
ID: |
9137654 |