magistrsko delo
Matjaž Knapič (Author), Franci Steinman (Mentor), Andrej Kryžanowski (Thesis defence commission member), Primož Banovec (Thesis defence commission member), Janja Kramer Stajnko (Thesis defence commission member), Marijan Žura (Thesis defence commission member)


Za zagotavljanje varnega delovanja v vseh razmerah imajo pretočne hidroelektrarne določen način obratovanja, ki velja za razmere ob zagonu objekta. Na podlagi izbranega načina delovanja je konstruirana denivelacijska krivulja, skladno s katero posamezni objekt deluje. Posledica izbranega načina obratovanja in denivelacijske krivulje je oblikovanje gladinskega vrtišča v akumulaciji. Vrtišče predstavlja tisto točko v akumulaciji, kjer gladina ostaja konstantna kljub povečanju oz. manjšanju pretoka v vodotoku in se pojavi samo v času, ko hidroelektrarna deluje skladno z denivelacijsko krivuljo. Z umestitvijo hidroelektrarne in s tem vzpostavitvijo zajezitve vodotoka se spremenijo hidravlične razmere na vodotoku. V akumulaciji se prične odlaganje sedimentov in s tem spreminjanje batimetrije akumulacije. V nalogi je s hidravličnem modeliranjem preverjen vpliv sedimentacije na začetno lokacijo gladinskega vrtišča in s tem na obratovanje hidroelektrarn. Najprej so izvedeni izračuni za teoretični primer hidroelektrarne z akumulacijo s poenostavljeno geometrijo, za katero je preverjen vpliv dvigovanja dna in spremembe hidravlične hrapavosti ter vpliv teh sprememb na predpisani način obratovanja. Z izvedbo izračunov so pridobljene osnovne ugotovitve, kako se ob različnih spremembah obnaša lokacija gladinskega vrtišča in kakšen vpliv ima to na samo obratovanje. Pridobljene ugotovitve so nato preverjene še z izdelavo hidravličnega modela območja hidroelektrarne HE Boštanj. Glede na rezultate izračunov iz obeh izdelanih primerov, je izvedena sinteza ugotovitev, ki nam pove, kako odlaganje/odnašanje plavin vpliva na lokacijo gladinskega vrtišča, kakšne so informacije, ki jih poda položaj vrtišča in na kakšen način lahko s spremljanjem položaja vrtišča izboljšamo obratovanje HE.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;hidravlično modeliranje;hidroelektrarne;obratovanje hidroelektrarne;gladinsko vrtišče;denivelacijska krivulja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Knapič]
UDC: 627.81:621.22:(043.3)
COBISS: 7468897 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1832
Downloads: 489
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of water level pivot point on operation of HPP reservoirs
Secondary abstract: To ensure safe operation of hydropower plant (HPP) in all conditions, every HPP has to have defined operation concept. Operation concept is always defined for starting conditions in which HPP and its reservoir starts to operate. Based on the selected operation concept a set of operating rules is applied. As a result of the selected operating concept and designed set of operation rules a water level pivot point appears in HPP reservoir. Pivot point represents the point in the reservoir, where the water level remains constant, regardless the increase or. decrease of the flow in the river. Pivot point appears only at times, when HPP operates in accordance with designed set of operation rules. But with the construction of HPP, hydraulic conditions of the river are altered. Consequently of that a process of sedimentation begins in the reservoir. In this assignment the impact of sedimentation on the initial location of water level pivot point and thus on starting operation concept is analyzed with methods of hydraulic modeling. Hydraulic calculations are performed for theoretical example of HPP in a reservoir with simplified geometry. Changes in reservoir's bottom and hydraulic roughness are observed and their impact on the starting operating concept is investigated. By performing calculations for this example, we obtaine basic knowledge regarding how the various changes influence the water level pivot point and the level of impact on operation concept. The results are later validated with calculations for the hydraulic model of HPP Boštanj. Based on the results from both calculations, the analysis were made. The analysis explains the impact of sedimentation on the location of water level pivot point, the implications on operation concept and how the effects can be mitigated.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;hydraulic modeling;hydropowerplant;hydropowerplant operation;pivot point;operating curvet;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 120 str., [16] pril.
ID: 9139813