diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Saša Žagar (Author), Jure Kovač (Mentor)


V podjetju Elea iC d.o.o. smo zaznali problem neupoštevanja nivojev organiziranosti in posledično neustreznega pretoka informacij med posameznimi nosilci delovnih nalog. To nam je bilo izhodišče za pripravo diplomske naloge in iskanje možnosti za izboljšan pretok informacij v podjetju. Skozi raziskavo v proučevanem podjetju smo zasledovali zastavljeni cilj učinkovitosti organizacijske strukture z vidika pretoka informacij med zaposlenimi. Ugotovili smo, da obstoječa organizacijska struktura vpliva na učinkovitost pretoka informacij v podjetju, čeprav smo bili pred pričetkom raziskave drugačnega mnenja. Izkazalo se je, da sodelovanje med zaposlenimi znotraj delovnih skupin poteka usklajeno, le deloma pa med zaposlenimi različnih delovnih skupin. Raziskovanje nam je dalo tudi odgovor glede vpliva obstoječega pretoka informacij v podjetju. Dobili smo odgovor, da neučinkovit pretok informacij med delovnimi skupinami negativno vpliva na učinkovito izvajanje delovnih nalog, neučinkovit pretok informacij znotraj delovnih skupin pa tega vpliva nima. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da zaposleni v podjetju poznajo pristojnosti in odgovornosti delovnega mesta ter da poznajo svoje delovne naloge in vedo kako jih bodo opravili. V diplomski nalogi smo na podlagi preučene literature, rezultatov ankete ter dolgoletnega dela v podjetju, predlagali spremenjen model organizacijske strukture. Želeli smo namreč opozoriti na probleme oziroma pomanjkljivosti organizacije, saj le-ti vplivajo na učinkovitost in s tem na uspešnost poslovanja, njihovo zavedanje pa zagotavlja podjetju konkurenčno prednost, zato smo v zaključnem delu diplomske naloge podali svoje predloge za izboljšanje organiziranosti v podjetju Elea iC ter obenem zapisali še predloge za izboljšanje, ki so jih predlagali zaposleni.


organizacija;organizacijska struktura;pretok informacij;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Žagar]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 7580435 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1263
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the company Elea iC d.o.o. we have become aware of the problem of disregard for its organisational levels resulting in an unsuitable flow of information among the executors of individual work tasks. This was the vantage point for the preparation of our thesis and our search for possible improvements of the information flow within the company. In our research of the company at hand we have set out to study the efficiency of the organisational structure from the viewpoint of information flow among the employees. We have determined that the existing organisational structure influences the effectiveness of information flow in the company, which was unexpected prior to our research. Research showed that the cooperation among employees within individual work groups is proceeding in a coordinated manner whereas among employees of different work groups in a partly coordinated manner only. With regard to the impact of the existing information flow within the company we found that inefficient information flow among workgroups has a negative effect on the efficient execution of work tasks. Inefficient information flow within work groups does not impact efficient execution. We have also found that the employees of the company are aware of the competences and responsibilities their jobs entail, are familiar with their individual work tasks and know how they will accomplish them. Based on the cited literature, on the results of this research and on years of employment in the company, changes to the organisational structure of the company are being proposed in this thesis. It was our intention to point out problems or deficiencies in the organisation, since these impact the efficiency and success of its operations. Awareness of these deficiencies gives the company a competitive advantage so we have included our suggestions for organisational improvements as well as improvements suggested by the employees.
Secondary keywords: organisation organisational structure information flow competences and responsibilities organisational model;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 59 f.
ID: 9139851
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