magistrsko delo
Ida Haramija (Author), Mateja Pšunder (Mentor), Branka Čagran (Co-mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela z naslovom Sprejetost otrok priseljencev med vrstniki v osnovni šoli je raziskati odnos vrstnikov do otrok priseljencev v osnovni šoli in sprejetost otrok priseljencev v novem okolju, pri čemer smo se omejili na sprejetost otrok priseljencev, ki imajo status po 15. členu Pravilnika o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja ter napredovanju učencev v osnovni šoli (2013). To so otroci priseljenci, ki niso rojeni v Sloveniji in katerih materni jezik ni slovenščina, po priselitvi v Slovenijo pa so vključeni v slovenski vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem manj kot dve šolski leti in jim pripadajo določene prilagoditve. Zanimalo nas je, kako se učenci priseljenci počutijo sprejete in kako jih sprejemajo njihovi vrstniki v šoli in izven nje. Tudi Slovenija se je v letu 2015 soočila z begunsko krizo in, tako kot mnoge druge evropske države, s povečanim priseljevanjem, zato je tema magistrskega dela še posebej aktualna kot pomoč pedagoškim delavcem pri sprejemanju otrok priseljencev v slovensko osnovnošolsko izobraževanje.


magistrska dela;otroci priseljenci;vrstniki otrok priseljencev;socialna sprejetost;šolanje otrok priseljencev;medkulturni medvrstniški odnosi;Specialna pedagogika;Magistrske naloge;Integracija;Begunci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [I. Haramija]
UDC: 376.7-054.72(043.2)
COBISS: 22636552 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2515
Downloads: 690
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Acceptance of Immigrant Children among Their Peers in Primary School
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this master's thesis titled Acceptance of Immigrant Children among Their Peers in Primary School is to research the peers' attitudes towards immigrant children in primary school and their peer acceptance in a new environment. The thesis restricts only to immigrant children with status under article 15 of the Rules on the Assessment of Knowledge and Promotion of Pupils in the Elementary School (2013). These are the immigrant children who were not born in Slovenia, whose mother tongue is not Slovenian and have been, after immigrating to Slovenia, enrolled in Slovenian educational system for less than two school years and are, thus, entitled to certain accommodations. We were interested in to what degree the immigrant pupils feel accepted and to what degree do their peers accept them in and outside school environment. In 2015 Slovenia, like many other European countries, was faced with the refugee crisis and increased immigration. Therefore, the theme of the master's thesis is particularly topical as it provides pedagogical staff with assistance in integrating the immigrant children in Slovenian primary education.
Secondary keywords: master theses;immigrant children;immigrant children's peers;social acceptance;education of immigrant children;intercultural peer relationship;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru,Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: XV, 197 f.
ID: 9139979