magistrsko delo
Inoviranje poslovnega modela pomeni način pridobivanja večje vrednosti iz obstoječih virov podjetja, obstoječega trga in obstoječega znanja ter najboljši način za dosego trajnostne konkurenčne prednosti. Internacionalizacija pa predstavlja enega izmed vzrokov, ki privedejo do inoviranja poslovnega modela. Vsako podjetje, ki se odloča za vstop na tuj trg, najprej preuči obstoječi poslovni model, ali je le ta zadovoljiv za dobro poslovanje podjetja na tujem trgu ali bo potrebno v celotni organizaciji podjetja kaj spremeniti.
V okviru magistrske naloge smo obravnavali inoviranje poslovnih modelov (Business model innovation - BMI) v teoriji in praksi ter povezavo z internacionalizacijo hitrorastočih malih in srednje velikih podjetij v Sloveniji. Namen magistrske naloge je bil, na podlagi zbranih podatkov empirične raziskave ugotoviti povezavo med inoviranjem poslovnega modela in internacionalizacijo malih in srednje velikih podjetij v Sloveniji. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so podjetja, ki so se lotila inoviranja poslovnega modela tudi v večini internacionalizirana a ne v celoti. Tudi podjetja, ki se osredotočajo samo na domač trg in se soočajo z izzivi in priložnostmi samo na domačem trgu čutijo potrebo po spremembi obstoječih poslovnih modelov. Presenetljivo smo ugotovili tudi, da so podjetja usmerjena na domač trg večkrat inovirala svoj poslovni model z obdobju zadnjih pet let kot podjetja, ki so internacionalizirana. Večkrat (več kot enkrat) so poslovni model inovirala tudi podjetja iz neperspektivnih panog v primerjavi s podjetji v perspektivnih panogah.
Sklepna ugotovitev magistrskega dela je, da je inoviranje poslovnih modelov v okviru malih in srednje velikih podjetij v Sloveniji sicer prisotno, ampak še zdaleč ni to ustaljena praksa slovenskih podjetij. Glede na dejstvo, da slovenska podjetja izhajajo iz majhnega nacionalnega gospodarstva, ki je v času globalne konkurence težko samozadostno, je bilo pričakovano, da bo velika večina anketiranih podjetij tudi internacionalizirana. Presenetil pa nas je podatek, da je le ena tretjina hitrorastočih anketiranih podjetij inovirala svoj poslovni model v zadnjih petih letih, saj v večini literature zasledimo velike pozitivne učinke vpeljave tega procesa.
Naše priporočilo za še večje približevanje procesa inoviranja poslovnih modelov je morda tudi vzpostavitev določenih finančnih spodbud, ki bi podjetja spodbujal k premisleku oz. jih vodil v tirnice spremembe poslovnih modelov.
podjetništvo;poslovni modeli;inoviranje;internacionalizacija;mala podjetja;srednja podjetja;dobra praksa;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business |
Publisher: |
[A. Črnčič] |
UDC: |
005.5:339.94(043.2) |
Views: |
1128 |
Downloads: |
132 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Linkage between business model innovation and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia |
Secondary abstract: |
Business model innovation means a way of obtaining more value from existing company resources, an existing market and existing knowledge and is the best way to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Internationalisation on the other hand represents one of the causes that lead to business model innovation. Any company that decides to enter a foreign market, first studies the existing business model, to find out, if it is satisfactory for good business operation on foreign markets, or if it is necessary to change something in the organization of the company.
In the context of the master's thesis we discussed the business model innovation - BMI in both theory and practice and its connection to the internationalization of fast-growing small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. The purpose of the master's thesis, based on the empirical research of the collected data, was to determine the linkage between business model innovation and the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. The results have shown that companies which have undertaken the business model innovation were in majority also are internationalized, but not entirely. Even companies that focus only on the domestic market, and are faced with challenges and opportunities on the domestic market, feel the need to change their existing business models. Surprisingly, we also ascertained that companies, which focus on the domestic market have innovated their business models over the past five years more often, than internationalized companies. Surprisingly, companies from declining industries have more often (more than once) innovated their business model in comparison to companies from promising industries.
The conclusion of the master's thesis is that business model innovation is ordinarily present at small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia, but it is far from being an established practice of Slovenian companies. Given the fact that Slovenian companies arise from a small national economy, which shows a lack of self-sufficiency in times of global crisis, it was expected that the vast majority of companies surveyed would also be internationalized. We were surprised by the fact that only one third of the surveyed fast-growing companies innovated their business models over the past five years, as the most literature praises the significant positive effects of the BMI.
Our recommendation for an even greater convergence of the process of business model innovation may also be the establishment of certain financial incentives that would encourage companies to reconsider or lead them into the ways of business models changes. |
Secondary keywords: |
business model innovation;business model;internationalization;small and medium sized enterprises (SME);case study on business model innovation; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak. |
Pages: |
III, 99 str., 6 str. pril. |
ID: |
9140243 |