diplomsko delo
Nataša Dobnik (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu smo se teoretično in praktično lotili opisovanja informacijske rešitve, ki jo uporabljajo v podjetju Struc Kovačija Muta d.o.o. Prav na tem problematičnem trgu nenehne konkurence in nasičenih informacij so podjetja primorana v inovativne tehnično-tehnološke rešitve, da bi delo, ki ga opravljajo, lahko steklo hitreje, napake bi se zmanjšale in ne podvajale. Iskanje primerne informacijske rešitve so namenjene predvsem boljšemu in hitrejšemu poslovanju, vodenju poslovanja in kot temeljna značilnost hitrejši obdelavi podatkov, ki jih imajo podjetja ob vse večjih dotokih informacij in podatkovnih bazah, ki jih zbirajo. Najti primerno in ustrezno rešitev, ki bi na enem mestu ponujala več hkratnih rešitev, je sicer veliko, vendar jih je treba predhodno dobro poznati, da nam nudi vse, kar potrebujemo za boljše poslovanje. Prav to pa je rdeča nit diplomskega dela. V njem smo namreč predstavili finančno računovodsko informacijski sistem Perftech.Largo, ki ga uporablja podjetje Struc Kovačija Muta d. o. o., ter module, ki jih ob tem delu tudi podpira. Podjetje se je odločilo za program, ki nudi več hkratnih možnosti obdelave podatkov, ki jih podjetje in zaposleni imajo. Tematika, ki smo jo izbrali, ni samo aktualna, ampak tudi izredno zanimiva, saj je prav napačen izbor informacijsko-tehnoloških rešitev v podjetjih ključni dejavnik, ki zavira uspešnost poslovanja.


poslovna informatika;informacijske rešitve;moduli;računovodstvo;obdelava podatkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Dobnik]
UDC: 004.77:657(043.2)
COBISS: 12553500 Link will open in a new window
Views: 787
Downloads: 51
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Financial information system in small production company in the case of the company Struc Kovačija Muta d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis we theoretically and practically describe IT solutions used by the company Struc Kovačija Muta d.o.o. It is on this problematic market of constant competition and saturated information where companies are forced to find innovative engineering solutions to make work to be finished faster, reduce errors and not duplicate them. Finding appropriate IT solutions is intended primarily for better and faster business, business management and as a fundamental feature faster processing of data held by companies at ever-increasing influx of information and databases that they collect. There are many suitable and appropriate solutions that would in one place offer multiple simultaneous solutions, but we must be very familiar with them before and be sure, that they give us everything we need for better business. This is precisely the main topic of the thesis. In it, we have presented the financial accounting information system Perftech.Largo is used by the company Struc Kovačija Muta d.o.o and also modules that are part of the support. The company decided to use a program that provides multiple simultaneous data processing capabilities, which the company and its employees have. The topic that we have chosen is not only up-to-date, but also very interesting, since it is exactly the wrong selection of information and technology solutions that is the key factor for inhibition of performance in companies.
Secondary keywords: dicussed company;IT solution Perftech;accounting information modules;data processing;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 43 f.
ID: 9140380