magistrsko delo
Andrej Orel (Author), Niko Samec (Mentor), Filip Kokalj (Co-mentor)


V 21. stoletju temelji proizvodnja naše najžlahtnejše koristne energije − elektrike približno dve tretjini na fosilnih gorivih, kar predstavlja resen okoljski problem s trendom naraščanja. V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni alternativni procesi na osnovi organskega Rankinovega krožnega procesa (ORC), ki v osnovi izvira iz klasičnega Rankinovega vodno-parnega procesa. Prikazane so implementacije ORC tehnologije z različnimi obnovljivimi viri energije (solarna, geotermalna energija, biomasa) ter izraba odvečne toplote. Osredotočili smo se na evropsko tržišče proizvajalcev ORC naprav in energetsko politiko posameznih držav glede ORC tehnologije. Pri izbiri delovnega medija smo obravnavali medije, ki so primerni za energetsko izrabo biomase in za višji temperaturni nivo nad 300 °C. Pri različnih temperaturnih nivojih in za različne vire pridejo v poštev različni ekspanzijski stroji. Opisali smo turbine in volumetrične stroje, ki so poznani iz hladilne tehnike. Različne tehnike zgorevanja in uplinjanja biomase omogočajo njeno vsestransko uporabo ob učinkovitem čiščenju produktov zgorevanja oziroma uplinjanja. V sklepnem delu je izdelan koncept uplinjanja biomase z ORC procesom in hlajenjem proizvedenega sinteznega plina v toplotnih prenosnikih z naprednim sistemom čiščenja. Proizvedeni sintezni plin pa smo koristno uporabili na plinskih motorjih, ki proizvajajo električno energijo in vročo vodo.


ORC proces;organski Rankinov proces;ORC naprava;vodno-parni krožni proces;biomasa;sintezni plin;delovni medij;OMTS;ekspanzijski stroj;kurišče;uplinjanje;uplinjevalna naprava;čiščenje dimnih plinov;čiščenje sinteznega plina;toplotni prenosniki;hlajenje sinteznega plina;plinski motor;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Orel]
UDC: 620.92:662.76.075.5(043.2)
COBISS: 19742998 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1252
Downloads: 151
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Biomass energy utilization in combined heat and power (CHP) production based on organic rankine cycle (ORC)
Secondary abstract: In 21st century, the production of our purest useful energy – electricity is based approximately on two thirds on fossil fuels, which represents a serious environmental issue with an upward growing trend. In our thesis, we presented some alternative processes based on organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which basically originates from classical Rankine water-steam process cycle. We described the implementation of ORC technology with variety of renewable energy sources (solar, geothermal, biomass energy) and utilization of waste heat. We focused on the European market for manufacturers of ORC devices and energy politics in some countries related to ORC technology. While selecting the working medium, we considered fluids that were suitable for energetic use of biomass on temperature levels above 300 °C. At different temperature levels and for different sources various expansion machines should be used. We described turbines and volumetric machines, known to us from cooling processes. Different techniques of combustion and gasification of biomass allow its versatile use with effective cleaning of combustion products (flue gases) and gasification. In the final part of our thesis, we made a concept of biomass gasification with ORC process and synthetic gas cooling in heat exchangers with advanced cleaning system. The produced synthetic gas was usefully applied on gas engines to produce electricity and hot water.
Secondary keywords: ORC cycle;organic Rankine cycle;ORC device;water-steam cycle;biomass;synthetic gas;working fluid;OMTS;expansion machine;furnace;gasification;gasifier;flue;gas treatment;heat exchanger;synthetic gas cooling;gas engine;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: 1 zv. (loč. pag.)
ID: 9140588