diplomsko delo


V diplomski nalogi bomo s pomočjo zgodovinske metode prikazali zgodovino predšolske vzgoje v Sloveniji ter opisali predšolsko vzgojo v vrtcih. Nato bomo natančno opisali in razčlenili Kurikulum za predšolsko vzgojo v javnem vrtcu ter primerjali nekatere zasebne predšolske ustanove, ki delujejo po posebnih pedagoških načelih - Reggio Emilia koncept, valdorfski pristop, montessori pristop. Vsak otrok je nekaj posebnega, zato je pomembno, da so ob njem osebe, ob katerih se počuti dobro in varno. Običajno so te osebe prav starši. Vendar je prav, da se zavedamo, da je veliko otrok že od zgodnjega otroštva vključenih v razna varstva, med katere spadajo tudi vrtci. Vrtec otroku nudi kopico izkušenj, ki jih v njegovem primarnem okolju - družini, ne more izkusiti, zato je zelo koristen za tiste otroke, ki ga obiskujejo. S skupnimi močmi moramo poskrbeti, da je otrokom v otroštvu lepo in da jim omogočamo razvoj na vseh področjih. Sprva so bili vrtci namenjeni zgolj varstvu otrok, vendar pa se je razvoj skozi leta delovanja vrtca obrnil tudi v vzgojno-izobraževalno smer. Tako vrtce danes pojmujemo kot vzgojno-varstvene institucije, ki skozi vzgojo otroke tudi izobražujejo. Vse to pa poteka po skrbno izdelanem nacionalnem dokumentu - Kurikulu za vrtce, ki opredeljuje posamezna področja dela, cilje in načela ter standarde, ki naj bi jih otroci glede na starost in stopnjo razvoja dosegali. Razvoj različnih pedagoških teorij je dandanes že tako daleč, da so se začeli ustanavljati tudi vrtci z nekoliko drugačnimi pedagoško-vzgojnimi pristopi, kot so na primer: montessori vrtec, valdorfski vrtec in Reggio Emilia koncept. Razlike med njimi se pojavljajo pri izvajanju in načinu dela z otroki. Tako imajo starši danes res široko izbiro, da izberejo tisti vrtec, za katerega menijo, da bo najboljši za njihovega otroka.


diplomska dela;javni vrtci;zasebni vrtci;predšolska vzgoja;kurikuli;Reggio Emilia;waldorfski vrtci;montessori vrtci;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Šinkovec]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 22265864 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4818
Downloads: 786
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Public and private kindergarten education in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: By means of the historical method, the diploma thesis will present the history of pre-school education in Slovenia and describe the pre-school education in kindergartens. This will be followed by a detailed description and analysis of the Curriculum for pre-school education in public kindergartens, and a comparison of certain pre-school institutions following specific pedagogical principles, such as the Reggio Emilia, the Waldorf, and the Montessori concept. Every child is an individual and as such needs to be surrounded by people making them feel good and safe. Usually, these people are their parents. However, it needs to be taken into consideration that numerous children attend different types of day care from their early childhood, with kindergarten being one of them. Kindergarten offers children many experiences that they are not able to gain within their primary environment, i. e. their family, thus making it very beneficial for those children attending it. Together we must strive to make sure that children have a nice childhood and enable them to develop in all areas. At first, the aim of kindergartens was solely to provide day care for children, but since then its development has taken an educational-schooling turn. Today, kindergartens are perceived as both educational and day care institutions in which children are not only educated, but also schooled. All of the above is carried out on the basis of a carefully prepared national document, i. e. the Curriculum for kindergartens, laying down specific areas of work, goals and principles as well as standards that the children are expected to meet given their age and development level. Today, various pedagogical theories have reached the stage of development at which kindergartens with different pedagogical-educational approaches have started to be established, such as the Montessori, Waldorf and Reggio Emilia kindergarten. They differ in their implementation and way of working with children. This gives today's parents the possibility to chose from a wide range of kindergartens to find the most appropriate one for their child.
Secondary keywords: theses;public kindergartens;private kindergartens;preschool education;curriculum;Reggio Emilia;Waldorf kindergatens;Montessori kindergartens;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: II, 94 f.
ID: 9140589
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