magistrsko delo
Vzgojitelji v javnih slovenskih vrtcih načrtujejo delo skladno z veljavnim Kurikulumom za vrtce. V njem so različni strokovnjaki, na podlagi podrobnih in obširnih analiz o razvoju otroka in njegovem učenju ter s temeljnim ciljem optimalnega razvoja, postavili procesno-razvojne cilje na šestih kurikularnih področjih, ki so jih poimenovali: jezik, matematika, gibanje, narava, družba in umetnost. Strogo ločevanje med njimi ni smiselno, saj ravno povezovanje razdrobljenih delov vsebine pridobiva razumljivejše in uporabnejše znanje. Zaradi specifike razvoja predšolskega otroka je t.i. medpodročno povezovanje še toliko bolj smiselno oziroma celo nujno. Načini za hkratno obravnavanje različnih kurikularnih področij so različni. Ena od možnosti je uporaba plesa, ki sodi na področje umetnosti.
Področje umetnosti sestavljajo različne dejavnosti: likovne in oblikovalne, glasbene in avdio-video, dramske in plesne. Med plesne dejavnosti uvrščamo rajalne igre, ljudske plese, plesna gledališča in oglede plesnih predstav ter uprizarjanje različnih obredov, likov, čustev, narave in poklicev preko ustvarjalnega giba. Predpogoj za načrtovanje vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela je poznavanje različnih dejavnosti za plesno izražanje. V magistrskem delu zato predstavljam plesno izražanje v vrtcu, in sicer se osredinim na to, kaj je ples, kako ples vpliva na človekovo telo v celoti in kako ga je zato smiselno načrtovati ter na kaj moramo biti pri tem pozorni. Preko razumevanja gibalnega razvoja umestim ustvarjalni gib kot učinkovito metodo dela v vrtcu in šoli. S konkretnimi primeri plesnih spodbud in njim pripadajoče dejavnosti plesnega ustvarjanja predstavim možno načrtovanje medpodročnega povezovanja.
Z ugotavljanjem vloge vzgojitelja pri izbiri načina dela z otrokom in njegovo avtonomnostjo pri tem raziskujem pomen subjektivnih teorij. Menim, da imajo te močan vpliv pri usmerjanju pedagoškega dela. Ker se oblikujejo dlje časa in nanje med drugim pomembno vpliva tudi študij, želim ugotoviti koliko in katere plesne elemente bodoči vzgojitelji uporabljajo pri delu z otroki, ali upoštevajo starostne razlike med otroki, kakšne pomanjkljivosti so v njihovem znanju.
Raziskava je zasnovana kvantitativno. V vzorec je zajetih 30 videoposnetkov otroških plesnih nastopov, ki so jih posneli študentje prvih letnikov na študentski praksi od leta 2000 do -2005. Iz posnetkov sem naredila sistematično analizo po vnaprej pripravljenem merskem inštrumentu za ugotavljanje izbranih plesnih elementov in drugih izbranih spremenljivk (starost otrok, metode poučevanja ipd.).
Rezultati kažejo, da dajo študentje med predstavo več poudarka na besedilo in govorjenje kot pa na spodbujanje otrok k plesnemu izražanju. Analiza posnetkov je pokazala tudi, da med starejšimi in mlajšimi otroki ni bistvenih razlik v gibalnem ustvarjanju, kljub temu da je zaradi gibalnega in celostnega razvoja to bilo smiselno pričakovati. Vzroke za to sem iskala v pomanjkanju znanja študentov in premalo prakse z otroki v vrtcih .
vrtec;umetnost;ustvarjalni gib;plesno izražanje;plesno gledališče;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[P. Tratnik] |
UDC: |
373.2.016:793.3(043.2) |
Views: |
784 |
Downloads: |
166 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Use of dance elements in dance theater by students of pre-school education |
Secondary abstract: |
Educators in Slovenian nurseries plan their work in accordance with valid Curriculum for nurseries. In it different experts, based on detailed and extensive analyses on development of a child and his learning and with basic goal of optimal development, have positioned process-developmental goals on 6 curricular fields: language, mathematics, exercise, nature, society and art. Strict separation amongst them does not make sense, because connecting small parts of the content makes it more understandable and more useful knowledge. Because of the specifics of development of a preschool child, interdisciplinary connecting is therefore even more reasonable and/or even urgent. Ways of simultaneous dealing of different curricular fields are different. One of the possibilities is the use of dance, which falls in with the field of arts.
The field of art is made from different activities: art and design, musical and audio-video, drama and dance. In the dance activities we place playful games, folk dances, dance theaters and viewing of dance shows and staging different kinds of rituals, characters, emotions, nature and occupation through a creative movement. Prerequisite for planning for educational work is the knowledge of different activities for dance expression. In a master’s thesis I therefore introduce dance expression in nursery. Namely I focus on what is dance, how does it affect human body in a whole, how it is the best way to plan for it and what to look out for. Through the understanding of a locomotor development, I place the creative movement as an effective method of work in a nursery and school. I introduce possible planning of interdisciplinary connecting to activity of dance creation with concrete examples of dance stimulations.
In determining the role of the educator with the choice of the way of working with children and his/her autonomy, I am looking into the meaning of subjective theories. I believe these theories have a profound influence at the guidance of the pedagogic work. Because they are developing longer and affect the studies, I wish to find out how many and which dance elements future educators use in their work with children, of they consider the age difference between children and what are the weaknesses in their knowledge.
The research is designed quantitatively. 30 videotapes of the child dance performances, that students of first year on student practice filmed between years 2000 - 2005, are scooped in a sample. I made the systematic analysis for the in advance made metric instrument for determining the chosen dance elements and other chosen variables (age of children, teaching methods etc.)
The results are indicating, that students put more emphasis on the text and talk during the performance, then on encouraging children to dance expression. The analysis of the recordings also indicated that there is no difference between older and younger children in creative movement, although that was expected because of the locomotor and integral development. I searched the reasons for this in lack of knowledge of students and lack of practice with children in kindergartens. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school education;dance;predšolska vzgoja;ples; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
X, 116 str. |
ID: |
9140681 |