magistrsko delo
Matej Pal (Author), Tomaž Vuherer (Mentor), Karl Gotlih (Co-mentor)


Cilj tega magistrskega dela je preveriti razliko med navadnim TIG varjenjem in ATIG varjenjem z aktivnima praškoma oz. premazoma dveh različnih proizvajalcev, ter hkrati preveriti obstoječo virtualno in realno robotsko celico in ju po potrebi popraviti. Pri tem je bilo naprej potrebno dopolniti virtualno in realno robotsko celico. Varjenje smo izvedli z industrijskim robotom ACMA XR701 z navadnim TIG varjenjem in ATIG varjenjem z različnima aktivnima praškoma oz. premazoma (QuickTIG in BC-31) pri različnih tokovih varjenja. Z namenom vrednotenja in primerjanja preizkušancev smo izvedli štiri mehanske preizkuse varjencev (meritev trdote varov, natezni, upogibni in Charpy preizkus) ter grafično analizo površine zvarov. Po končanem preverjanju smo rezultate ustrezno obdelali in dobili po tri rezultate za vsak tok varjenja. S pomočjo preizkusov smo ugotovili, da prihaja do majhnih razlik med obema praškoma oz. premazoma z ATIG postopkom varjenja. Rezultati so prav tako pokazali določene prednosti ATIG postopka v primerjavi s TIG postopkom varjenja. Vpliv na rezultate je imel tudi vnos toplote, ki se pa praviloma povečuje z višanjem jakosti varilnega toka.


varjenje;ATIG varjenje;aktivni prašek oz. premaz;ACMA XR701;mehanski preizkusi;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Pal]
UDC: 621.791:621.865.8(043.2)
COBISS: 19743510 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1050
Downloads: 134
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Designing of virtual and real robotic cell for welding by ATIG process with ACMA XR701
Secondary abstract: The aim of this master thesis was to analyze and compare the differences between TIG welding and A-TIG welding with two active powders/coatings from different producers. The second aim of the thesis was the verification, and if necessary modification, of a pre-existent virtual and real robotic welding cell. For this purposes, the robotic cell had first to be adapted and completed. An industrial ACMA XR701 robot was used for regular TIG welding and A-TIG welding with two active powders/coatings (QuickTIG in BC-31) at different current levels. Four mechanical tests (hardness, tensile, bend and Charpy testing) as well as a graphical surface analysis of the welded joints were used to evaluate and compare the test specimen. Once the testing was completed, the data was accordingly assessed and three different sets of results were obtained for each current level. The testing showed some small differences between the two powders/coatings used in A-TIG welding. The results also indicate several advantages of A-TIG welding in comparison to regular TIG welding. The introduction of heat, usually increased by a higher welding current, has also had a significant impact on the results.
Secondary keywords: welding;A-TIG welding;active powder/coating;ACMA XR701;mechanical testing;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XI, 79 str., [25] f. pril.
ID: 9140793