diplomski projekt


Danes se podjetja srečujejo z zmeraj večjo konkurenco in zmeraj zahtevnejšimi kupci, zato je boj za obstanek na trgu zmeraj močnejši. Na primeru podjetja Lentherm-Invest d.o.o. smo proučili, ali je podjetje primerno za zunanje izvajanje, in predstavili način, kako vpeljati zunanje izvajanje v poslovni sistem. Kadar podjetje želi katero izmed svojih dejavnosti predati v zunanje izvajanje oziroma se odloči, da katere aktivnosti več ne bo opravljalo znotraj podjetja in jo bo raje kupilo na trgu, se prične outsourcing. Ta omogoča, da podjetje izloči aktivnost oziroma funkcijo, ki ima v njem podporno nalogo. Z izločitvijo podporne aktivnosti podjetje pridobi več časa, da se v celoti posveti svoji glavni dejavnosti in tako poveča učinkovitost, posredno pa tako vpliva tudi na številna druga področja, kot so zadovoljstvo kupcev, kakovost, pozitiven finančni položaj podjetja, znižanje stroškov dejavnosti, pridobivanje novih znanj in tehnologije ter seveda večja konkurenčnost podjetja. V podjetju Lentherm-invest d.o.o. smo raziskali možnosti za predajo ene izmed dejavnosti v zunanje izvajanje s pomočjo procesa za zunanje izvajanje. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da bi bilo v podjetju smiselno razmisliti o predaji določenih dejavnosti v outsourcing in da to prinaša mnoge pozitivne učinke. S pomočjo modela smo kot podporno aktivnost določili in izločili serijsko proizvodnjo zalogovnikov in potrdili mnoge pozitivne učinke.


poslovni proces;zunanje izvajanje;outsourcing;kakovost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Bračič]
UDC: 005.7
COBISS: 12586268 Link will open in a new window
Views: 741
Downloads: 55
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Outsourcing suitability as meat in a company
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, companies are facing significant competition in the market and increasingly demanding customers, which makes it even harder to stay in the market. In the case of the Lentherm – Invest d.o.o. company we examined whether a company is suitable for outsourcing and introduced a way of implementing outsourcing into a business model. Outsourcing starts when a company decides to delegate one or more of its activities or business processes to external contractors. Outsourcing enables to exclude a certain activity or function, which has a supportive role in the company. By eliminating supportive activities, the company wins more time to fully focus on its main activities in order to increase efficiency, and indirectly positively impact on customer satisfaction, quality, positive financial results, lower operating costs of the activities, acquiring new knowledge and technologies, and increased competitiveness of the company. In the case of Lentherm – Invest d.o.o. we analyzed the possibility of handing over some of the activities to external contractors through a process of outsourcing. We concluded that it would be in the best interest of the company to consider outsourcing of certain activities, moreover this would bring along many positive effects. Using the model, we determined serial production of storage tanks as a supportive activity, suitable for outsourcing, which would result in many positive effects.
Secondary keywords: outsourcing;Lentherm – Invest d.o.o.;activities;external contractor;key competences;decision;quality;activity;company;effects;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 45 str.
ID: 9141848