magistrsko delo Management informacijskih sistemov, Analiza in načrtovanje informacijskih sistemov
Damijan Kozina (Author), Andrej Škraba (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo obravnava vpliv stopnje investiranja in zadolževanja posamezne organizacije na njeno finančno stanje. S pomočjo modela želimo opredeliti postopek, s katerim lahko določimo optimum med investiranjem in zadolževanjem v organizaciji. Ustrezno razmerje med investiranjem in zadolženostjo pomembno prispeva k trajnostnemu razvoju organizacije in celotnega okolja. Obravnavanih je več možnih simulacijskih scenarijev. Prevelika zadolženost zavira gospodarsko rast, vendar po drugi strani premajhna stopnja investiranja tudi ne zagotavlja napredka. Z razvitim modelom kvantitativno podpremo strategijo organizacije za uspešno delovanje na dolgi rok. Razvit je bil delujoč simulacijski model, ki upošteva stopnjo investiranja in zadolževanja v obravnavani organizaciji in prikaže rezultate simulacije. Opredeljeni so ustrezni vhodni parametri modela, ki zagotavljajo kar najboljši rezultat za posamezno organizacijo. Uporabljena je metodologija sistemske dinamike z obravnavo ključih povratnih zank. Izdelan je simulacijski model, podprt z aplikacijo, ki je testirana z uporabo testnih primerov in vključenimi različnimi scenariji. Simulacijski model je izdelan z orodjem Powersim ter realiziran s programskim jezikom JavaScript, dostopnim na svetovnem spletu.


sistemska dinamika;modeliranje in simulacija;investiranje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [D. Kozina]
UDC: 004
COBISS: 7663123 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1791
Downloads: 114
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of System Dynamics Model of Investments and Capital Growth in Organizations
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the impact of the rate of investments and borrowing of an individual organization on its financial state. With the model we would like to define the procedure by which we can determine optimum between investments and borrowing in an organization. Appropriate relationship between investments and borrowing make an important contribution to the sustainable development of the organization and the whole environment. Several possible simulation scenarios have been considered. On the one hand, over-indebtedness hinders economic growth, whereas, on the other hand, a rate of investments which is too low also does not ensure progress. With developed model we quantitatively support the strategy of the organization for successful operation in the long-term. A functioning simulation model which takes into account the rate of investments and borrowing in the organization in question and shows the results of the simulation has been developed. Appropriate input parameters of the model which ensure the best result for an individual organization have been defined. The methodology which has been used is the methodology of system dynamics with the consideration of key feedback loops. The simulation model supported by an application tested by using test cases which include different scenarios has been made. The simulation model has been made with the Powersim tool, realized with the JavaScript programming language and freely accessible on the web.
Secondary keywords: system dynamics;modelling and simulation;investments;capital growth;borrowing;capital;corruption;integrity;sustainable development;organization;JavaScript;SVG;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 48 f.
ID: 9142594
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