diplomsko delo
Petra Ramšak Drozg (Author), Boris Aberšek (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga zajema v prvem poglavju osnovne poudarke in teorijo o električni in sončni energiji. V drugem poglavju pa so predstavljena navodila za izdelavo avtomobilčka na sončne celice, ki naj bi služil kot pripomoček učila za učence osnovnih šol pri predmetu tehnična vzgoja, naravoslovje in fizika. Za to temo sem se odločila, da bi z njo povečala nazornost učnih vsebin, povezanih z energetiko, saj pri tem lahko ustvarjalno povezujemo naravoslovna in tehnična znanja s prakso. Učencem poskušam predstaviti skladiščenje električne energije s pomočjo sončnih celic z uporabo didaktičnih sestavljank Fischertechnik in izdelavo ogrodja avtomobilčka, torej na način, ki bo učencem zanimiv ter hkrati praktičen.


diplomska dela;električna energija;sončna energija;skladiščenje električne energije;avtomobilček na sončne celice;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [P. Ramšak Drozg]
UDC: 502.21:523.9:537.214(043.2)
COBISS: 22236680 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1096
Downloads: 107
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: A sources for electricity storage - sun
Secondary abstract: The following dissertation focuses in the first chapter on the emphasis and theory of electrical and sun energy. In the second chapter instructions for assembly of a solar cell driven vehicle are presented. The vehicle should serve as a teaching tool for children in primary schools for the subjects of technical and natural science as well as physics. I have chosen this subject to intensify the visual instruction of the contents related to energetics. This can be a creative way to connect natural science and technical knowledge with practical work. With the help of Fischertechnik didactic puzzles i.e. by constructing a framework of a vehicle I want to show the students how to store the electric energy using solar cells, and so making the learning process both interesting to students and useful. The final goal of this dissertation is to obtain a kind of teaching/learning tool with which a student can gain new information and knowledge, or according to individual wishes this knowledge can be upgraded.
Secondary keywords: theses;electrical energy;sun energy;electrical energy storage;vehicle driven by solar cells;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za tehniko
Pages: VIII, 46 f.
ID: 9143010
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