magistrsko delo
Andraž Jug (Author), Ivan Anžel (Mentor), Simona Strnad (Co-mentor), Matjaž Hriberšek (Co-mentor)


Perutninska industrija s svojim delovanjem bistveno prispeva h količini odpadnega perutninskega perja, ki je okoljsko zelo obremenjujoč in za odlaganje zelo zahteven odpadek. Ocenjeno je, da v svetu letno nastaja 5 mio. ton odpadnega perja, zato potekajo obširne raziskave možnosti ponovne uporabe tega materiala. Ena izmed možnosti je uporaba perja kot adsorpcijsko sredstvo za olja iz vode, saj je zaradi svojih fizikalno-kemičnih lastnosti perje pokazalo odlične rezultate pri vezavi oljnih nečistoč v svojo strukturo. Namen magistrskega dela je bil razviti kompozitni material na osnovi odpadnega perutninskega perja za odstranjevanje oljnih razlitij na površini vode. Z dodajanjem keramičnih delcev sepiolita, ki velja za odličen oljni adsorbent, odpadnemu perju, smo želeli izdelati kompozit z izboljšano adsorpcijsko sposobnostjo v primerjavi z osnovnimi komponentami. Za karakterizacijo osnovnih materialov smo uporabili svetlobno mikroskopijo, vrstično elektronsko mikroskopijo, sejalno analizo delcev ter metode določanja osnovnih lastnosti olja. Za izdelavo kompozitov smo med drugim uporabljali postopke mehanskega in termičnega stiskanja. Adsorpcijske lastnosti materialov smo določali v skladu s standardom ASTM F726-12. Ugotovili smo, da dodatek sepiolita ne prispeva bistveno k adsorpcijskim lastnostim kompozita, saj zaradi višje gostote in nižje relativne adsorpcijske sposobnosti zmanjšuje vrednosti adsorpcije kompozitnega materiala. Rezultati so potrdili najučinkovitejšo adsorpcijo olja v primeru blazinic, sestavljenih iz poliestrne tkanine in napolnjene s čistim perjem.


perutninsko perje;sepiolite;adsorpcija olja;analizne metode;kompozitni materiali;separacijski procesi;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Jug]
UDC: 677.39.017:[628.334.3:628.19](043.2)
COBISS: 19766550 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1047
Downloads: 162
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Composite materials based on waste poultry feathers for oil removal from water
Secondary abstract: Poultry industry has a huge impact on the amount of the scrap poultry feathers which are onerous for the environment and course problems with their disposal. Assessments show that more than 5 Mio tons of poultry feathers are being disposed every year which lead to extensive researches about the options for reusing. One of those is the reuse as an adsorbent agent for production of oils out of water, due to the physical and chemical properties that show great results in binding with the impurities in oils. Purpose of this written thesis was the development of composite material based on the waste poultry feathers to remove oil spills on the water surfaces. Our goal was to develop a composite with better adsorption capacity in comparison to its basic compounds. We tried to achieve our goal by adding ceramic parts of sepiolite, which are classified as a great oil adsorbent, to the poultry feathers. We used optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, separation analysis of particles and method of determination for the properties of oil. For preparation of composites we used methods of mechanical and thermal compression, among others. We used ASTM F726-12 standard to determine the adsorption properties of materials. Our finding show that adding sepiolite does not have a great influence on the adsorption properties of composition, as values of adsorption of composite material lower due to the higher density and lower relative adsorption rates. Our findings conformed the best results of oil adsorption can be reached with the usage of pillow made of polyester and filled with poultry feathers.
Secondary keywords: polutry feathers;sepiolite;oil adsorption;analytical methods;composite materials;separation process;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XIV, 90 f.
ID: 9144405