magistrsko delo
Doris Mithans (Author), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Mentor), Vesna Čančer (Co-mentor)


Če so zaposleni zadovoljni, to še ne pomeni, da so tudi zavzeti, vendar le z zavzetostjo lahko zaposleni omogoča in zagotavlja večjo delovno ter s tem tudi poslovno uspešnost svoje organizacije. Pri zavzetosti zaposlenih gre za čustveno navezanost posameznikov na svoje delovno okolje. Vedno več zaposlenih v Sloveniji delovne razmere v organizacijah zadnje čase zaznava kot slabe. Dnevno se srečujejo z negativizmom, upiranjem, utrujenostjo in občutki brezizhodnosti, zato je ravno v tem času povečanje zavzetosti eden od ključnih ukrepov za dobre rezultate organizacij. Zavzetost je tista, ki vpliva na poslovne rezultate in produktivnost organizacij ter zvestobo kupcev in podobno. Ljudje ne želijo biti nezavzeti, želijo živeti polno, produktivno, uspešno in zadovoljno življenje. Veliko raziskav je že pokazalo, da je večina zaposlenih ob prihodu na delovno mesto visoko zavzetih in motiviranih, vendar ta zavzetost že po nekaj mesecih ali letu dni upade. Naloga vsake organizacije je zato, da prepozna takšne zaposlene in poskuša to nezavzetost odpraviti z različnimi metodami. Glavna naloga je zaupana predvsem vodjem, ki morajo motivirati svoje zaposlene, da postanejo aktivnejši in uspešnejši pri svojem delu.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Mithans]
UDC: 331.101.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12448796 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1367
Downloads: 269
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂcommitment of employees in the organization Plastika Skaza, d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: If employees are satisfied, that does not mean that they are also comitted, but only commitment of employees enables and ensures greater work and consequently business success. Commitment of employees means emotional attachment of individuals to their working environment. It is a concept which is becoming crucial in times of crisis. Lately in Slovenia, the number of employees, who perceive the working conditions as poor, is increasing. Employees are daily facing constant negativity, resistance, tiredness and feelings of hopelessness. Therefore, an increase of work commitment is precisely now one of the most crucial and important measures for great results of organizations. Commitment is the one that influences the results of companies, their productiveness, loyalty of companies and similar. People do not want to be uncommitted, they want to life a full, productive, successful and satisfying life. A lot of researches showed that that the majority of employees are first when starting a new job, highly committed and motivated, but this commitment decreases already after some months or after a year. The task of each organization is therefore to recognize such employees and try to fix their attitude with different methods. The main task is mainly entrusted to leaders, who need to motivate their employees to be more active and more successful at their work.
Secondary keywords: commitment of employees;employee satisfaction;leadership;prosperity;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: [IV], 71 str., 4 str. pril.
ID: 9144557
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