(diplomsko delo)
Mateja Žnidarić (Author), Jasmina Nerat (Mentor)


Teoretična izhodišča: Miastenija gravis je redko nevromuskularno obolenje z epizodami mišične oslabelosti, hitre utrudljivosti in prisotnosti težav pri opravljanju vsakdanjih dejavnosti, ki ga povzroči s protitelesi in celicami imunskega sistema posredovano uničenje acetilholinskih receptorjev živčno- mišičnega stika. V prihodnosti se pričakuje vse več možnosti zdravljenja miastenije gravis in hkrati izboljšanje kakovosti življenja ljudi s to boleznijo. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti spremembe v kakovosti življenja pacientov zaradi miastenije gravis. Raziskovalna metodologija: V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela smo analizirali, primerjali, vrednotili in interpretirali dosadanja znanstvena spoznanja o raziskovalnem problemu. Raziskava temelji na kvantitativni metodologiji. Kot instrument raziskave smo uporabili anonimni delno strukturiran anketni vprašalnik, ki vsebuje 13 vprašanj. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 100 pacientov z miastenijo gravis, in sicer 50 naključno izbranih pacientov z miastenijo gravis, ki so člani Društva distrofikov Slovenije in 50 naključno izbranih pacientov, ki so člani Društva obolelih od miastenije gravis Hrvatske, ne glede na spol in starejših od 18 let. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da največ anketiranih oseb tako v Sloveniji, kot na Hrvaškem meni, da se kakovost življenja lahko izboljša z boljšim razmevanjem s strani okolja. Največ, oz. več kot polovica anketiranih v obeh državah je odgovorilo, da invalidnost zaradi miastenije gravis zelo vpliva na življenje pri delu v službi ter pri športu in rekreaciji. Največ anketiranih oseb v Sloveniji si samostojno pomaga v primeru prisotnosti simptomov miastenije gravis z zdravili. Na Hrvaškem je največ anketiranih oseb odgovorilo, da si samostojno pomagajo s počivanjem. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je večina anketirancev zadovoljnih s podporo Društva distrofikov Slovenije oz. Društva oboljelih od miastenije gravis Hrvatske. Diskusija in zaključek: Pacienti z miastenijo gravis morajo pridobiti občutek samozavesti, varnosti in samostojnosti, saj le tako lahko izboljšajo kakovost svojega življenja. Prav tako morajo sprejeti svojo bolezen kot realnost življenja, spoznati dejstva o miasteniji gravis in pridobiti potrebne veščine, da jo uspešno obvladujejo.


miastenija gravis;avtoimuna bolezen;kakovost življenja;mišična slabost;utrujenost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Žnidarić]
UDC: 616.83(043.2)
COBISS: 2220708 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2325
Downloads: 186
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Theoretical findings: Myasthenia gravis is a rare neuromuscular disease with episodes of muscular weaknesses, faster tiredness, and present troubles with everyday activities, which is caused by antibodies and cells of immune system passed to acetylcholine receptors of neuro-muscular contact. More possibilities of myasthenia gravis healing are expected in the future and improvements of life quality of the people with this illness at the same time. The purpose of the research has been to find the changes in quality of patient’s life because of myasthenia gravis. Research methodology: We have analysed, compared, evaluated, and interpreted scientific findings about the researched problem in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis. The research is based on the quantitative methodology. As the instrument of the research, we have used an anonymous partially structured questionnaire, which includes 13 questions. There have 100 patients with myasthenia gravis cooperated (50 coincidentally chosen patients with myasthenia gravis, which are members of the Society of dystrophic patients in Slovenia, and 50 coincidentally chosen patients who are the members of the Society of the patients with myasthenia gravis Croatia, regardless to gender and older than 18). Results: The results of the research has shown that most of the respondents in Slovenia, as well as in Croatia think that the quality of life can be improved by better understanding of the environment. The most, or more than half of the respondents in both states, have answered that disability because of myasthenia gravis influences work at their jobs, sport, and recreation. The most of the respondents in Slovenia help themselves in the case of the symptoms of myasthenia gravis with medicines. Most of the respondents in Croatia answered that they help themselves with resting. We have found out that most of the respondents are satisfied with the support of the Society of dystrophy patients in Slovenia or the Society of the patients with myasthenia gravis Croatia. Discussion and conclusion: Patients with myasthenia gravis have to gain the emotion of self-confidence, security, and independence because they can improve the quality of their life. They also have to accept their illness as the reality of life, learn about the facts about myasthenia gravis, and gain the necessary skills to successfully control it.
Secondary keywords: myasthenia gravis;autoimmunity illness;quality of life;muscular weakness;tiredness;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IV, 41 f., 5 f. pril.
ID: 9148141