diplomski projekt
Barbara Polajžar (Author), Bruno Završnik (Mentor)


Tako v vsakdanjem življenju kakor v poslovnem svetu se nenehno srečujemo z različnimi stališči glede doseganja ciljev. Pogajati, nabavno ali nasploh, pomeni skušati doseči soglasje, sporazum glede česa. Pogajanje je zbliževanje stališč glede ciljev ali doseganja ciljev. Pogajanja so ciljna dejavnost, saj pogajalci skušajo doseči skupna stališča udeležencev. Vsako pogajanje ima svoj določen cilj. Diplomski seminar se osredini na nabavna pogajanja: kako potekajo; kaj vse je potrebno, da se pogajanje uspešno zaključi. Da je pogajanje uspešno, je pomemben posameznik, zaposleni v podjetju, ki je usposobljen in ima znanje za pogajanje. Zraven tega je tehtno, da se na pogajanje temeljito pripravi in je pripravljen tudi na negativne stvari. V praktičnem delu diplomskega seminarja predstavimo, kako poteka nabavno pogajanje v podjetju Savatech, d. o. o. Z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotavljamo, katere aktivnosti najpogosteje uporabljajo zaposleni pri pripravah na nabavna pogajanja; kakšne komunikacije se poslužujejo; kako dolgo traja nabavno pogajanje pri njih, da dosežejo svoje želene rezultate; kaj mislijo o sebi – ali imajo lastnosti dobrega pogajalca.


nabava;pogajanja;pogajalske taktike;pogajalske strategije;aktivnosti;osebnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [B. Polajžar]
UDC: 658.7:005.574
COBISS: 12791836 Link will open in a new window
Views: 654
Downloads: 93
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Purchase negotiations in the company Savatech d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Just like in everyday life, both in the business world is constantly facing with different positions in terms of achieving the objectives. Negotiated, so the cost as generally means attempting to reach a consensus agreement on something. Negotiation is a convergence of views on objectives or in terms of achieving the objectives. Negotiations are target activity, since trying to negotiators to achieve common positions of the participants. Each negotiation has its own specific goal. In the diploma seminar I will present the cost of negotiations, how are, what all is needed to negotiate successfully completed. To negotiate successfully is an important individual, employed by a company which is qualified and has the knowledge to negotiate. next to this important to the negotiation, thorough preparation and is willing to on the negative things. In the practical part of the seminar, I will present how is the cost of negotiation in the company Savatech d. o.on.. With the help of anketnega the questionnaire I found out which activities in preparation for an purchase negotiations most frequently applied, what kind of communications they make, how long it takes for the cost of negotiating with them to achieve their desired results, and what they think about themselves or they have the properties of good by the negotiator.
Secondary keywords: Purchase negotiations;communication negotiating;negotiation tactics;activities;and concepts of negotiations;a negotiator as a personality.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 39 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 9149362