diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu obravnavamo stališča osnovnošolskih učiteljev do lastnega pedagoškega poklica. Prvi del diplomskega dela predstavlja teoretičen okvir za empirično raziskavo. Znotraj tega smo opisali učiteljev profesionalni oz. poklicni razvoj in t. i. (profesionalni) učiteljski stres. Na kratko smo predstavili tudi predmet slovenščine v osnovni šoli ter poklic slovenista - učitelja, ki poučuje slovenščino. Drugi del diplomskega dela temelji na empirični raziskavi, katere namen je bil raziskati: učiteljev profesionalni oz. poklicni razvoj, učiteljski stres oz. stres, ki se pojavlja na delovnem mestu, mnenja učiteljev slovenščine o lastnem poklicu ter njihovo delo pri pouku slovenščine. Za raziskavo smo sestavili anketni vprašalnik, ki je bil smiselno - glede na problematiko - razdeljen na štiri sklope in začetni uvodni del, ki je zajemal navodila in osnovne podatke učiteljev: spol, starost in delovno dobo. Osnovno populacijo, ki smo jo preučevali, predstavljajo učitelji dolenjske, posavske, osrednje, zasavske in savinjske regije. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 50 učiteljev. Izsledki le-te so pokazali, da se učitelji slovenščine v največji meri uporabljajo demokratičnega stila poučevanja, medtem ko svoj profil označujejo z visoko stopnjo pedagoške in splošne kompetentnosti, kar nakazuje na njihovo strokovnost in človeškost hkrati. Velik pomen pripisujejo povratnim informacijam, ki jih prejmejo s strani učencev. Svoje spretnosti poučevanja so v celoti ocenili kot skorajda izjemne; najbolj je izstopala spretnost samozavestnega podajanja snovi. Učitelji, ki slovenščino poučujejo v osnovni šoli, se čutijo popolnoma avtonomne pri izbiri metod in oblik dela ter izbiri učnih pripomočkov. Podatki so v nadaljevanju raziskave pokazali, da učitelji slovenščine t. i. ''šolski stres'' v največji meri doživljajo pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja ter ponavljajočih se slabih ocenah in neuspehih učencev. Najpogosteje ga zaznavajo na čustvenem področju, kot posledico pa v največjem številu navajajo jok. V stresnih okoliščinah se ti sproščajo s pogovorom ob kavi; tako da se zaupajo partnerju, prijatelju ali sodelavcu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da učitelji na svoj poklic niso ravno najbolj ponosni, vendarle pa jih ta osrečuje. Tudi za odločitev istega poklica bi se večina odločila še enkrat. O sebi menijo, da so odlični pedagogi ter da je njihov poklic premalo cenjen in preslabo plačan. Raziskali smo tudi naklonjenost učiteljev slovenščine jezikovnemu in književnemu pouku, bodisi zaradi pisanja priprav, ocenjevanja, poučevanja, izbire vsebin in učbenikov; izkazalo se je, da povsod prednjači književnost. Tudi mnenje učiteljev o tem, katero vrsto pouka imajo rajši učenci, je naklonjeno književnosti.
diplomska dela;slovenščina;poklic učitelja;profesionalni razvoj;kompetence;učiteljeve spretnosti;avtonomija;stres;učenci;učitelj;jezikovni pouk;književni pouk;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[N. Gnidovec Rozman] |
UDC: |
37.011.3-051:373.3(043.3) |
Views: |
1383 |
Downloads: |
109 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
How primary school teachers of Slovene view their pedagogic profession |
Secondary abstract: |
In the thesis we deal with the views of primary school teachers of their own teaching profession. The first part of the thesis presents a theoretical framework for an empirical research. Within this, we described the teacher's professional development and so called (professional) teacher's stress. We also shortly presented the subject Slovene language in primary school and the profession of Slovene language teacher. The second part of the thesis is based on an empirical research the purpose of which was to examine: the teacher's professional development, the teacher's stress or the stress that occurs in the workplace, opinions of Slovene language teachers about their own profession and their work in Slovene language lessons. For the research we compiled a questionnaire which was reasonably - according to the issue - divided into four parts and the initial introduction which included instructions and basic information of teachers: gender, age and the seniority. The base population that we studied represented the teachers of Dolenjska region, Posavje region, Central Slovenia, Zasavska region and the Savinjska region. The study involved 50 teachers. The results showed that Slovene language teachers make maximum use of the democratic style of teaching, while they indicate their profile with a high level of pedagogical and general competence, which indicated their professionalism and humanity at the same time. They attach great importance to the feedback they receive from the students. They assessed their teaching skills as almost exceptional; the most prominent was the skill of a confident passing of study materials. Teachers that teach Slovene language in primary school feel fully autonomous in selecting methods and forms of work and when choosing teaching aids. The data in the study showed that teachers of Slovene language mainly experience so called ''school stress'' when assessing and grading knowledge and when students repeatedly get bad grades and experience failures. They mainly feel the stress on the emotional area and as a consequence they most often cry. In stressful situations they relax themselves by discussing over coffee, they talk to their partner, a friend or a colleague. We have also found out that teachers are not very proud of their profession, however it makes them happy. Most of them would choose the same profession again. Their own opinion is that they are excellent pedagogues and that their profession is undervalued and badly paid. We also investigated the preference of Slovene language teachers to linguistic and literature classes, either because of writing preparations, grading, teaching, a content selection and textbooks; it turned out that they all prefer literature. Teachers also think that their students prefer literature. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;a profession of Slovene language teacher;a professional development;competences or the teacherʼs skills;autonomy;linguistic and literature classes; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti |
Pages: |
VII, 130 f. |
ID: |
9149829 |