magistrsko delo


Potomci priseljencev so otroci v Slovenijo priseljenih staršev. Potomci priseljencev so torej rojeni v Sloveniji in celo svoje življenje živijo tukaj ter so del slovenskega vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema. Priseljenci prve generacije so se preseljevali znotraj meja takrat še skupne države Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije (SFRJ, krajše Jugoslavija), v katero se je povezovalo več držav južnoslovanskih narodov, ki so govorili (in govorijo) podobne jezike. Po razpadu Jugoslavije, leta 1991, in oblikovanju novih meja, so se priseljenci znašli na »tujih« tleh. V pričujočem delu so v ospredju potomci priseljencev iz držav bivše Jugoslavije, ki imajo praviloma slovensko državljanstvo. Kljub temu, da gre za slovenske državljane, se potomci priseljencev v Sloveniji soočajo s številnimi težavami; od krize kulturne identitete, nesprejemanja s strani večinskega prebivalstva ter do deprivilegiranega obravnavanja v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja. Šolski delavci od njih pričakujejo, da so popolnoma integrirani v slovensko družbo in šolski sistem, saj že celo življenje živijo v Sloveniji. Na drugi strani pa so zaradi generalizacije pogosto in zelo hitro podvrženi raznim stereotipom in predsodkom ter deležni manjše podpore in nižjih pričakovanj glede uspešnosti s strani učiteljev in drugih strokovnih delavcev. Za vključevanje dijakov potomcev priseljencev v šole sicer obstajajo strategije in smernice, ki so lahko strokovnim delavcem v pomoč pri delu v kulturno mešanih razredih. Poleg tega, da so omenjene strategije in smernice precej ohlapne, niti ni sistematičnega seznanjanja strokovnih delavcev šol o obstoju tovrstnih dokumentov. Slednje je gotovo rezultat tega, da se splošna politika na državni ravni premalo ukvarja z vprašanjem neenakih izhodiščnih možnosti potomcev priseljencev v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja. Šola je namreč močan ideološki aparat države, zato se znotraj šolskega sistema zrcali politično dogajanje na državni ravni. Potomci priseljencev v Sloveniji v visokem deležu obiskujejo srednje poklicne šole, medtem ko je delež potomcev priseljencev v srednjih strokovnih šolah in gimnazijah nižji. Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti položaj dijakov potomcev priseljencev v srednji poklicni in strokovni šoli ter ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri, glede na pričevanja dijakov in njihovih staršev, pedagoški delavci delujejo v skladu s principi in smernicami interkulturne pedagogike. Zavzemanje interkulturne pedagogike se razprostira na interakcijo med različnimi kulturami, pri čemer se poudarja enakopravno izmenjavo jezikov, kultur in tradicij ter priznava medsebojne enakovrednosti vseh kultur na enem ozemlju. Raziskava je opravljena v industrijskem mestu Velenju, ki je bilo zaradi možnosti zaposlitve privlačno za priseljence in je v njem še zdaj posledično večje število potomcev priseljencev. Namen je raziskati, ali se številčnost priseljencev na enem mestu pokaže kot prednost ali le še dodatna ovira, v smislu razumevanja in strpnosti večinskega prebivalstva do pripadnikov priseljencev ter ali se, zaradi številčnosti priseljencev, njihovo doživljanje izobraževanja, izbira srednje šole in želja po doseganju šolskih uspehov, spreminja v smeri pozitivnejših trendov. Ideal interkulturne šole namreč dojema kulturne, verske in jezikovne razlike kot povsem vsakdanjo situacijo in z njo ravna kot učnim sredstvom, ki je dragocen vir znanja in razumevanja ter s tem pripomore k sprejemanju in priznavanju različnosti. Raziskava preverja, koliko se ta ideal interkulturne šole udejanja v praksi v velenjskih srednjih šolah. Rezultati vodijo do ugotovitve, da so potomci priseljencev v Velenju zelo dobro sprejeti v neformalnih situacijah, medtem ko pri formalnih prihaja do diskriminacije in neenakopravne obravnave. Nekateri intervjuvanci namreč poročajo o izkušnjah z diskriminacijo znotraj šolskega sistema in na trgu dela, pri iskanju zaposlitve. Pokaže pa se visoka želja potomcev priseljencev po šolskem uspehu in nadaljnjem izobraževanju ter podpora in visoka pričakovanja s strani njihovih staršev v zvezi s šolanjem, kar je ena od ključnih ugotovitev, saj kljub predhodnim raziskavam in teoretičnim izhodiščem, ki dokazujejo, da potomci priseljencev dosegajo slabše učne rezultate in se praviloma vpisujejo v triletne poklicne šole, ki pogosto ne vodijo do nadaljevanja šolanja, v pričujočem primeru intervjuvani dijaki iz Šolskega centra Velenje tega niso potrdili.


potomci priseljencev;interkulturna pedagogika;Velenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Mujkanović]
UDC: 314.117-054.52:373.5 (043.2)
COBISS: 11036745 Link will open in a new window
Views: 618
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The implementation of interculturalism in the secondary and vocational school
Secondary abstract: Descendants of immigrants are children of immigrant parents in Slovenia. Descendants of immigrants are thus born in Slovenia and even live their whole lives here and are therefore part of the Slovenian educational system. The first generation of immigrants have migrated within the boundaries of then common state of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY shorter Yugoslavia), which was formed by several countries of South Slavic peoples, who spoke (and speak) similar languages. After the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991, new borders were created and the immigrants found themselves on "foreign" soil. In this work the focus is on descendants of immigrants from former Yugoslavia who generally have the Slovenian citizenship. Despite the fact that they are Slovenian citizens, the descendants of immigrants in Slovenia face a number of difficulties, the crisis of cultural identity, refusal by the majority of population and the underprivileged treatment in the process of education. School employees expect them to be fully integrated into Slovenian society and the educational system as they spend their whole lives living in Slovenia. On the other hand, due to generalization, they are often and very quickly subject to various stereotypes and prejudices. They are believed to receive less support and lower performance expectations from teachers and other professional staff. To engage students who are descendants of immigrants in schools there are strategies and guidelines that can help practitioners work in a culturally mixed classes. In addition to the rather vague strategies and guidelines there is no systematic pairing of professionals of the existence of such documents. This is certainly a result of putting too little attention at the political level to the issue of unequal starting opportunities of the descendants of immigrants in the process of education. The school is a powerful ideological apparatus of the state, so the school system reflects the political development at the national level. Descendants of immigrants in Slovenia mostly attend secondary vocational schools (3-year programme), while the minor proportion of descendants of immigrants attend secondary vocational schools (4-year programme) and gymnasiums/grammar schools. The purpose of the thesis is to study the situation of students who are descendants of immigrants in secondary vocational and technical schools, and to determine the extent to which, according to the testimony of students and their parents, teaching staff act in accordance with the principles and guidelines of intercultural education. Intercultural pedagogy calls for interaction among different cultures, emphasizing the equal exchange of languages, cultures and traditions as well as the mutual recognition of the equivalence of all cultures in one territory. The survey that was carried out in the industrial city of Velenje, which attracted many immigrants due to attractive employment opportunities, has now consequently a greater number of descendants of immigrants. The purpose is to investigate whether the abundance of migrants in one place shows up as an advantage or just an additional barrier in terms of understanding and tolerance of the majority population towards the immigrants, and whether, because of the abundance of immigrants, their experience of education, choice of secondary school and the desire to achieve school successes, changes in the direction of more positive trends. An ideal intercultural school percieves cultural, religious and linguistic differences as entirely everyday situation and treat them as a learning medium, which is a valuable source of knowledge and understanding and thereby contributes to the acceptance and recognition of diversity. The study examines the extent to which the ideal intercultural school is implemented in practice in Velenje secondary schools. The results lead to the conclusion that the descendants of immigrants in Velenje are very well accepted in informal situations, while in formal situations they might be subject to discrimination and unequal treatment. Some interviewees reported about their experiences of discrimination within the school system and at the labor market when searching for work. There is a high desire of descendants of immigrants for achieving the success at school and acquiring further education. There is also a great support and high expectations from their parents in relation to education, which is one of the key findings. Despite previous research and theoretical frameworks demonstrating that the descendants of immigrants attain worse learning outcomes and normally enter into a three-year vocational schools and often do not continue their education, in the present case, interviewed students from the school Centre Velenje have not confirmed it.
Secondary keywords: secondary school;immigrant;srednja šola;priseljenec;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 192 str.
ID: 9149986