magistrsko delo
Mojca Hribernik (Author), Polona Vidmar (Mentor)


V magistrski nalogi je na podlagi izbranih primerov na pregleden način prikazan motiv smrti v slikarski umetnosti. Motiv smrti v slikarstvu smo raziskali tudi v slovenskem prostoru. Janez iz Kastva in Mrtvaški ples, France Mihelič in Mrtvi kurent, opus Nismo poslednji Zorana Mušiča ter Jože Tisnikar in njegovo delo v prosekturi. V magistrskem delu z naslovom Reprezentacija smrti v slikarstvu smo se soočali s tematsko razdelitvijo na reprezentacijo smrti, zgodovinski pregled in interpretacijo slikarjevih intenc. Raziskovali smo pod predpostavko, da vsakršen motiv na slikarjevem platnu zrcali zgodovinski in individualno-psihološki kontekst, v katerem je umetniško delo nastalo. Naš cilj je bil raziskati večplastnost morbidne tematike v slikarstvu. Na podlagi tega smo ugotavljali razlike in podobnosti med svetovnimi ter slovenskimi slikarskimi deli. Raziskali smo odnos med umetniškim delom, družbeno percepcijo smrti in konkretno izkušnjo slikarjev. Reprezentacijo smrti smo klasificirali na neposredno in posredno z namenom podrobneje raziskati ta diadni odnos. S pojmovno mrežo, ki smo jo razvili pri t. i. eksplicitnih in obsesivnih delih, nam je bilo omogočeno raziskovanje tudi bolj subtilnih elementov reprezentacije smrti v likovni umetnosti.


bolezen;reprezentacije;umetnost;smrt;slikarstvo;kontekst;motiv;morbidnost;mrtvaški ples;simbol;uboj;vojna;magistrska dela;Mihelič;France;1907-1998;Tisnikar;Jože;1928-1998;Mušič;Zoran;1909-2005;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Hribernik]
UDC: 75.04(043.2)
COBISS: 22453768 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1175
Downloads: 182
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis in a clear way depicts the motif of death in painting based on selected examples. The aforementioned painting motif was also researched in Slovenian art. Janez from Kastav and the Dance of Death, France Mihelič and Dead Kurent, the We are not the Last opus by Zoran Mušič, as well as Jože Tisnikar and his autopsy opus. The Master's thesis with the title Representation of Death in Painting is built around the thematic classification on the representation of death, the historical overview, and the interpretation of the painter's intentions. Our research was executed under the presumption that any motif on the canvas reflects the historical as well as the individual-psychological context in which a work of at was created. Our goal was to research the multi-layered nature of morbid themes in painting. Based on that, we established the differences and similarities between global and Slovenian paintings. We researched the relationship between a work of art, social perception of death, and the actual experience of the painters. The representation of death was classified as direct and indirect in order to research this binary relationship. The conceptual diagram, developed for the so-called explicit and obsessive works, allowed us to research the more subtle elements of the representation of death in art.
Secondary keywords: disease;representations;art;death;painting;context;motif;morbidity;dance of death;symbol;homicide;war;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: 72 f.
ID: 9150332
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