diplomsko delo
Sandra Svetec (Author), Simona Pulko (Mentor)


Vsak otrok ima temeljno pravico razvijati vse svoje sposobnosti in morebitne izjemne potenciale, šola pa je prva in osrednja nosilka odgovornosti, ki mu mora ta razvoj omogočiti. V evropskem prostoru se je, v primerjavi z ameriškim, skrb za izjemno sposobne, nadarjene učence pričela izpostavljati precej pozno. V današnjem slovenskem šolskem prostoru imamo zakonodajno-programska izhodišča za posebno obravnavo in vzgojno-izobraževalno delo z nadarjenimi učenci. Ta zahtevajo določene prilagoditve dela, drugačne didaktično-metodične pristope za skupino nadarjenih individuumov znotraj šolske populacije. Vendar pa sama zakonodaja ni dovolj. Pri uresničevanju koncepta na izvedbeni ravni, torej pri konkretnem uresničevanju na učenca usmerjenega učenja in razvijanju zavesti o individualnih potrebah nadarjenih učencev, so ključni njihovi učitelji. Od učitelja je v veliki meri odvisno, ali bo nadarjen posameznik na svojih močnih področjih do skrajnosti razvil zmožnosti, ki jih ima, ali bo ta razvoj oviran. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo pojmovanja in koncepcije nadarjenosti, posebnosti in potrebe nadarjenih učencev, vzgojno-izobraževalno delo z nadarjenimi učenci ter vloge, pomembnejše lastnosti in kompetence učitelja nadarjenih učencev. V empiričnem delu predstavljamo izsledke raziskave, v katero smo vključili učitelje slovenščine s celotnega Pomurja in z njo osvetlili nekatere ključne plasti omenjene problematike, predvsem pa z nadarjenostjo in nadarjenimi učenci povezane poglede in stališča učiteljev slovenščine pomurskih osnovnih šol. Zanimalo nas je tudi, v kolikšni meri učitelji v praksi uresničujejo Koncept odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni osnovni šoli ter, s katerimi ovirami in težavami se pri tem najpogosteje srečujejo.


diplomska dela;nadarjenost;nadarjeni učenci;vzgojno-izobraževalno delo;koncept;učitelji;pogledi;stališča;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Svetec]
UDC: 37.091.31:811.163.6 (043.2)
COBISS: 22450184 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1160
Downloads: 214
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Giftedness and gifted students in Slovene language and literature lessons - views and standpoints of primary school teachers in Pomurje
Secondary abstract: Every child has a fundamental right to develop his full potential and any outstanding potential, and school is the first and main bearer of responsibility, which should enable this development. In European area, compared to American, the concern for the extremely capable, gifted students has started to expose rather late. In today's Slovenian schools we have legislative-programme starting points for special treatment and educational work with gifted students. These require some adjustments of work, and different didactic and methodical approaches to a group of gifted individuals within the school population. However, legislation alone is not enough. In pursuing the concept at the operational level, therefore, in concrete realization of the learner-centred learning and development of awareness of the individual needs of gifted students, their teachers are crucial. It greatly depends on the teacher whether the gifted individual will develop the capabilities he has in his strong areas to the extreme, or will this development be hindered. In the theoretical part we present the concepts and conceptions of giftedness, particularities and needs of gifted students, educational work with gifted students and roles, important qualities and competences of a teacher of gifted students. In the empirical part we present the results of research, in which we have included teachers of Slovene language from the entire Pomurje, and with it we shed light on some of the key layers of the mentioned issue, and especially on the giftedness and gifted students related views and standpoints of teachers of Slovene language in Pomurje primary schools. We were also interested in the extent to which the teachers put into practice the concept of detection and work with gifted students in nine-year primary school, and which barriers and problems they most frequently experience.
Secondary keywords: theses;giftedness;gifted students;educational work;concept;views and standpoints of teachers;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: 103 f.
ID: 9150747