diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management poslovnih in delovnih sistemov
Bernarda Benet (Author), Matjaž Maletič (Mentor), Boštjan Gomišček (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu se osredotočamo na vlogo prostovoljstva pri zagotavljanju kakovosti življenja starostnikov v času bivanja v domu starejših občanov. V delu smo s pomočjo strokovne literature in ankete, izvedene v Domu upokojencev, ugotavljali vključevanje prostovoljstva kot sestavnega dela zagotavljanja kakovosti storitev doma strejših občanov. V sklopu raziskovalnega dela so nas zanimali pogledi in mnenja starostnikov, prostovoljcev ter vodstva s strokovnim kadrom glede: - prostovoljstva kot pomembnega dejavnika pri odločitvi za bivanje v domu starejših občanov; - zagotavljanja virov; - izpolnjevanja stanovalčevih želja in potreb; - aktivne prisotnosti in vključenosti stanovalcev v prostovoljnih aktivnostih; - izobraževanja prostovoljcev; - dejavnikov kakovosti; - zadovoljstva stanovalcev. V nekaterih sklopih so si bile posamezne skupine anketiranih zelo podobne v mnenjih, saj so tako stanovalci kot prostovoljci menili, da je prostovoljstvo kot integralni del storitev doma starejših občanov še kako pomembno. Obe skupini anketiranih sta se strinjali, da je potrebno zadostiti »potrebi« po virih in glede izobraževanja prostovoljcev. Obe anketirani skupini sta z zelo dobrim mnenjm (oceno) ocenili zadovoljstvo stanovalcev z izvedbo prostovoljnih aktivnosti. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali tudi na sklope, kjer je med mnenji stanovalcev doma in prostovoljci v domu, prišlo do največjih razlik. Tako se obe skupini anketiranih nista strinjali, saj sta pomembnosti in prioritete določili in razvrstili drugače. Raziskava je pokazala, da se prostovoljci veliko bolj zavedajo pomembnosti izpolnjevanja stanovalčevih želja in potreb in pomembnosti stanovalčeve aktivne prisotnosti in vključenosti v prostovoljne aktivnosti. Tudi dejavnikov kakovosti stanovalci doma in prostovoljci niso razvrstili v enakem vrstnem redu. Le zaupanje, ki se ustvari med stanovalcem in prostovoljcem pa so anketirani kot najpomembnejši dejavnik postavili na prvo mesto. Glavna cilja vključitve prostovoljskega dela sta omogočanje in povečanje socialne vključenosti posameznika v družbena dogajanja in aktivnosti doma. Ugotovili smo, da je prostovoljstvo pomemben del kakovosti storitev v domu starejših občanov, h krati pa prostovoljci s svojim delovanjem dopolnjujejo oskrbo in nego v domu. Glede na rezultate raziskave in ugotovitve avtorjev lahko trdimo, da je prostovoljstvo integralni del kakovosti storitev v domu starejših občanov in kot tak pomemben dejavnik pri zagotavljanju kakovosti storitev v domu starejših občanov.


management kakovosti;kakovost storitev;starost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [B. Benet]
UDC: 005.336.3
COBISS: 7844627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1559
Downloads: 84
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Volunteering as an integral part of service quality in an erderly home
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis we focused on the role of volunteering in assuring quality life of the elderly during their stay in a home for elderly citizens. In the thesis we used professional literature and surveys that were carried out of the Home for the elderly to find out how volunteering is implemented as part of the aid assuring quality services of the home for elderly citizens. In the research we were interested in viewpoints and opinions of the elderly, volunteers and the management together with the skilled employees regarding: - volunteering as an important element in making a decision to stay in a home for elderly citizens; - assuring the sources; - fulfilling residents' wishes and needs; - active presence and involvement of residents in noncompulsory activities; - educating volunteers; - elements of quality; - contentment of residents. In some sections certain groups of participants shared similar opinion, namely, the residents and the volunteers thought that volunteering as an integral part of services of the home for elderly citizens is of high importance. Both groups of paricipants agreed, that »needs« for sources should be fulfilled and on educating the volunteers. Both surveyed groups hold high opinion of the contentment of the residents with the realization of noncompulsory activities (they marked it with top grades). The results of the survey pointed to modules where there was the greatest gap in opinion among the residents of the home and the volunteers. Both groups did not agree on importance and priorities, for they set and classified them differently. The research showed that volunteers are well aware of the importance of fulfilling resident's wishes and needs. The volunteers are much more aware of the importance of a resident's active participation and integration in noncompulsory activities. The residents and the volunteers did not classify factors of quality in the same order. Only »confidence« which is created among a resident and a volunteer was placed in the first place as the most important factor. The main goals of integrating volunteery work are enabling and increasing social involvement of an individual in social happenings and activities of a home. We found out that volunteering is an important part of quality services in a home for elderly citizens, at the same time volunteers's work supplements care and nursing in a home. According to the results of the research and findings of the authors we can say that volunteering is an integral part of quality services and is as such an important factor in ensuring quality services in a home for elderly citizens.
Secondary keywords: quality management;quality of service;old age;elderly home;volunteering;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 93 f.
ID: 9151162
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