diplomski projekt
Uroš Čoderl (Author), Tjaša Štrukelj (Mentor)


V posameznih državah v Evropi na podlagi zbranih podatkov o družinskih podjetjih ocenjujejo, da je med vsemi podjetji od 70 do 80 % prav družinskih, zato lahko brez dvoma rečemo, da so družinska podjetja najbolj razširjena oblika podjetij na svetu. Družinska podjetja se mnogokrat enačijo z malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji, saj številni ob prvem srečanju z besedno zvezo "družinsko podjetje" najprej pomislijo na majhno podjetje z nekaj zaposlenimi, kot so na primer pekarne ali gostilne, vendar je takšno prepričanje napačno. To dokazujejo zelo uspešna velika družinska podjetja, kot so Barilla S.p.A., BMW AG, Lego A/S, Ferrero S.p.A., Benetton S.r.l., L'Oréal S.A. in druga podjetja, ki so v lasti izjemno bogatih družin in so v svoji panogi ena izmed najuspešnejših podjetij na svetu. Družinska podjetja po svetu se pri svojem delovanju srečujejo z različnimi ovirami, ki jih morajo uspešno rešiti. Eden izmed prelomnih trenutkov za vsako družinsko podjetje je prav gotovo prenos podjetja na naslednjo generacijo. Mnoga podjetja tovrstnega prenosa sploh ne dočakajo, saj že prej propadejo. Številna družinska podjetja, ki uspejo preživeti pred-ustanovitveno in ustanovitveno fazo ter se preko rasti prebijejo vse do tja, ko je podjetje potrebno predati naslednikom, pa so na prenos izjemno slabo pripravljena ali še huje, sploh niso. To potrjujejo tudi rezultati raziskav, ki kažejo, da je le 30 % družinskih podjetij takšnih, ki preživi prenos podjetja na drugo generacijo, prehod na tretjo generacijo pa jih preživi zgolj 10 %. V diplomskem projektu smo najprej podrobno proučili družinska podjetja, njihove značilnosti, prednosti in slabosti. V nadaljevanju smo spoznali vlogo družinskih članov v družinskem podjetju, njihove medsebojne odnose ter možne konflikte. Ker družinskim podjetjem po svetu največ težav povzroča planiranje nasledstva, je poudarek diplomskega projekta temeljil prav na tem. Najprej smo opredelili, kaj je to nasledstvo, kasneje pa smo podrobno proučili nasledstvene možnosti v družinskih podjetjih, torej, kdo vse je lahko naslednik družinskega podjetja. Diplomski projekt smo nadaljevali z raziskavo, kako naj bi proces nasledstva potekal ter navedli možne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na proces nasledstva. Vse našteto smo v empiričnem delu diplomskega projekta podkrepili še s praktičnim primerom – družinskim podjetjem, ki v resnici obstaja in uspešno deluje na območju Koroške. To je podjetje, v katerem je avtor dela diplomskega projekta v času študija opravljal obvezno praktično usposabljanje. Podrobneje smo predstavili ustanovitev in začetke tega družinskega podjetja, izpostavili njihove prednosti in slabosti, predstavili družinske člane, opisali njihove medsebojne odnose ter prikazali, kakšno vlogo imajo v podjetju. Osrednje poglavje praktičnega dela diplomskega projekta pa predstavlja predlagani plan nasledstva za to izbrano družinsko podjetje, ki ga bo lahko ustanovitelj uporabil in mu bo lahko v veliko pomoč, ko bo podjetje želel prenesti na naslednjo generacijo. Namen diplomskega projekta je bil pridobiti čim več znanja na temo družinskih podjetij, spoznati, v čem so njihove posebnosti, prednosti in slabosti v primerjavi z drugimi podjetji, hkrati pa tudi podrobneje proučiti, kako se tovrstna podjetja spopadajo z eno izmed največjih težav, ki jih doleti pri razvoju podjetja, to je prenos podjetja na naslednjo generacijo.


družinsko podjetje;prednosti;slabosti;nasledstvo;družina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [U. Čoderl]
UDC: 334.722.24
COBISS: 12628252 Link will open in a new window
Views: 981
Downloads: 87
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Succession possibilities in the accounting family business firm
Secondary abstract: In some European countries, the collected data on family businesses show that among all the companies between 70 and 80 % are family businesses. It can without a doubt be claimed that family business is the most common company type in the world. Family businesses are often equated with small and medium-sized companies, as many people think of small companies with few employees, such as a bakery or restaurant, when first hearing about "family business". However, this kind of opinion is not entirely correct. The proof of that are successful family businesses, such as Barilla S.p.A., BMW AG, Lego A/S, Ferrero S.p.A., Benetton S.r.l., L'Oréal S.A. and other companies owned by extremely wealthy families; they are among the most successful businesses in their industry. Family businesses all over the world face many different issues in their operation, all of which must be solved successfully. One of the crucial moments for every family business is the transfer of the business to the next generation. Many companies go out of business before they even reach the point of transfer. Others that manage to go through the pre-foundation and foundation stage and get to the point of transferring the business to the next generation are poorly prepared for the transfer, or worse, are not prepared at all. This is confirmed by the results of the study that shows that only 30% of family businesses survive the transfer to the second generation and only 10% survive the transfer to the third generation. In our dissertation project we studied characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of family businesses in detail. We also acquainted ourselves with the role of family members in family businesses, their interpersonal relations and possible conflicts. Because succession planning causes the most problems for family businesses, this was the emphasis of the dissertation. First, we defined what succession is. Then, we studied the succession options in family businesses in detail, namely who can inherit the business and how the process of succession should be executed. We also listed the possible factors which can affect the process of succession. All of the above was substantiated by an example in the conclusion of the research. The author of this dissertation underwent compulsory practical training in a family business operating in the Koroška region. In the thesis, the establishment and the beginnings of this family business are presented in detail emphasizing its strengths and weaknesses, and the family members, their interpersonal relations and their roles in the business are shown. The main part of the dissertation is the proposed succession plan, which could later be used by the founder of the business; the plan could be of great help when the founder decides to transfer the business to the next generation. The purpose of this dissertation was to acquire as much information as possible about family businesses, to get to know its specialties, advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other businesses and also to study how the transfer of the business to the next generation can be carried out since this may be one of the biggest issues in the field and operation of the family business.
Secondary keywords: Family business;advantages and disadvantages of family business;family in family business;succession options;succession planning;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 9151201