revitalizacija Vojašniške 14 v Mariboru
Sanja Djorćev (Author), Kaja Pogačar (Mentor), Igor Sapač (Co-mentor), Stane Kocutar (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo preučuje dejstvo, da sta pridelava vina in kultura gojenja vinske trte že več kot tisoč let povezani z mestnim prostorom in širšim zaledjem Maribora. Skozi analizo izvemo, da mesto v svoji preteklosti ni sistematično skrbelo za ohranjanje in prezentacijo vinske dediščine, ki bi izjemno pripomogli k razvoju vinskega turizma in posledično celotne regije. Delo se ukvarja z idejno zasnovo Mestnega vinskega muzeja v Mariboru na Lentu, ki bo prikazovala zgodovinski razvoj kulture vina na ožjem območju mesta Maribor in bo vsebinsko dopolnjevala Hišo Stare trte. Prostor z večtisočletno vinsko tradicijo bo tako dobil novo kulturno središče, ki bo omogočalo krepitev in širjenje bogate vinske dediščine. Zasnova prostora za predstavljanje vinske dediščine javnosti je predvidena v obstoječi stavbi na Vojašniški ulici 14 na Lentu, v neposredni bližini Hiše Stare trte. Za omenjeno stavbo je bil izdelan Konservatorski program prenove, ki ga je potrebno pri projektu upoštevati. Pri načrtovanju je bil prav tako upoštevan zgodovinski kontekst okolice stavbe, saj se nahaja v najožjem centru starega mestnega jedra mesta Maribor.


Maribor;kultura vina;vinski muzej;vinski turizem;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: S. Djorćev]
UDC: 338.48(043.2)
COBISS: 20222998 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1539
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master´s thesis studies the fact that winemaking and a culture of growing vine have been for more than a thousand years connected to the urban place and wider surroundings of Maribor. Throughout the analysis, we find out that the town in its past did not systematically take care of the preservation and presentation of the wine heritage, which would significantly contribute to the development of the wine tourism, and consequently to development of the entire region. The thesis deals with the conceptual design of the City Wine Museum in Lent, Maribor, which will present a historical development of wine culture in the core of the town of Maribor, and in terms of content complement The Old Vine House. A place with thousands of years of wine tradition will therefore get a new cultural centre which will enable strengthening and spreading of the rich wine culture. The space design for presentation of the wine heritage to the public is anticipated in the existing building in the street Vojašniška ulica 14 in Lent, in the immediate vicinity of The Old Vine House. A conservation plan for renovation was made for the mentioned house, which needs to be take into consideration in the project. Furthermore, a historical context of the building´s vicinity has also been taken into consideration in the process of planning, since the house is located in the very centre of the old town centre of Maribor.
Secondary keywords: Maribor;wine culture;wine museum;wine tourism;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: X, 93 str., [10] f. pril. z načrti
ID: 9151550
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