magistrsko delo Management informacijskih sistemov, Sistemi za podporo odločanju


V magistrskem delu je prikazana uporaba sistemskega pristopa, kvalitativnega modeliranja in uporaba modela sistemske dinamike pri reševanju problematike inšpekcijskega nadzora na ravni samoupravne lokalne skupnosti. Za celovit opis in razumevanje kompleksnega sistema je uporabljen kvalitativni model v obliki vzročno-posledičnega diagrama. Vzročno-posledični diagram predstavlja osnovo za izgradnjo enovitega modela sistemske dinamike. Z uporabo modela smo podrobneje izoblikovali dejavnike vpliva in njihovo soodvisnost ter določili merila učinkovitosti in uspešnosti nadzora. Razviti model sistemske dinamike omogoča boljše poznavanje delovanja in dinamike sistema in s tem prispeva k oblikovanju novih politik vodenja in upravljanja, kar vodi k višji učinkovitosti inšpekcijskih služb.


sistemski pristop;model sistemske dinamike;inšpekcijski nadzor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Tehovnik Kumar]
UDC: 004.94
COBISS: 7726099 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1035
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: System of Inspection supervision on the Level of Self-governing local community Management model
Secondary abstract: The thesis describes a system approach applied to the inspection supervision on the local self-government using a qualitative modelling and a system dynamic model. For the characterization and insight into a complex system a quantitative model with a causal loop diagram was used. The quantitative model is laying the groundwork for the homogeneous model of system dynamics. By using this model we formulated in detail the impact factors of the inspection supervision and their interdependency. We determined a criterion of efficiency and effectiveness’s of the inspection supervision. The developed system dynamics model allows a better insight into the inner workings and dynamics of the inspection supervision and contributes to a development of new policies of management and operation that lead to a better effectiveness’s of the inspection services.
Secondary keywords: system approach;system dynamic model;inspection supervision;local self-government;system dynamics;modelling and simulation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Maribor, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 82 str.
ID: 9151817
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