magistrsko delo
Petra Rajšp (Author), Lidija Magajna (Mentor), Milena Košak Babuder (Co-mentor)


S pripisovanjem večje pomembnosti testnih dosežkov s strani šole in družbe doživljajo učenci vedno večji pritisk in anksioznost ob ocenjevalnih situacijah. Visoka testna anksioznost ima lahko negativne posledice na učenčevo telesno in socialno-emocionalno področje kot tudi na kognitivno izvajanje in učno uspešnost učenca. Kljub obsežnemu raziskovanju na tem področju pa ostaja manj raziskan problem testne anksioznosti pri skupini učencev s težavami/motnjami učenja specifične narave, v katero spadajo učenci z lažjo obliko, imenovano specifične učne težave (v nadaljevanju SUT), in z zmerno do težjo obliko, imenovano primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju PPPU). V magistrskem delu predstavljamo značilnosti testne anksioznosti, pri čemer posebno pozornost posvečamo testni anksioznosti pri učencih s SUT in PPPU. Prav tako se osredotočamo na področje učnih strategij, zlasti bralnih učnih strategij, in pojasnjujemo njihovo povezanost s testno anksioznostjo pri učencih. Osrednje vprašanje magistrskega dela je, kakšna je povezanost med testno anksioznostjo in pogostostjo uporabe bralnih učnih strategij pri učencih s PPPU. Ob tem nas je zanimalo tudi, kakšna je raven testne anksioznosti in pogostost uporabe bralnih učnih strategij glede na različne dimenzije testne anksioznosti (misli, fiziološke reakcije in vedenja, ki niso v funkciji reševanja naloge) in skupine bralnih učnih strategij (učne strategije pred branjem, med njim in po branju) ter ali obstajajo pomembne razlike na ravni testne anksioznosti in v uporabi bralnih učnih strategij med skupinami učencev glede na spol in starost. Raziskava je kavzalno neeksperimentalna. Vzorec zajema 163 osnovnošolskih učencev s PPPU od 5. do 9. razreda. Za preverjanje ravni testne anksioznosti in pogostosti uporabe bralnih učnih strategij smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vključeval lestvico testne anksioznosti – CTAS, in Vprašalnik o učnih strategijah. Pri statistični analizi podatkov smo uporabili opisno statistiko, t-test, ANOVO in Pearsonov koeficient korelacije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je povezanost med izkazano ravnjo testne anksioznosti in pogostostjo uporabe bralnih učnih strategij pri učencih s PPPU statistično pomembna. Izkazana povezanost je šibka in pozitivna. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da med učenci z nižjo in višjo ravnjo testne anksioznosti obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v uporabi bralnih učnih strategij, pri čemer se je pokazalo, da učenci s PPPU, ki izkazujejo višjo raven testne anksioznosti, pogosteje uporabljajo bralne učne strategije. Po spolu in starosti učencev s PPPU nismo dokazali pomembnih razlik na ravni testne anksioznosti, čeprav se je glede na posamezne dimenzije pokazalo, da dekleta in mlajši učenci izražajo pomembno višjo raven fizioloških reakcij in da dečki in starejši učenci izražajo pomembno višjo raven vedenj, ki niso v funkciji reševanja naloge. Razlike v uporabi bralnih učnih strategij glede na starost pri učencih s PPPU niso statistično pomembne, medtem ko so se glede na spol pokazale statistično pomembne razlike. Dokazali smo, da dekleta s PPPU pogosteje uporabljajo bralne učne strategije. V sklepnem delu magistrskega dela navajamo tudi omejitve raziskave in implikacije za nadaljnje raziskovanje, pedagoško prakso in specialno-pedagoško pomoč. Z magistrskim delom želimo povečati zavedanje specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov ter vseh pedagoških delavcev, da je pri delu z učenci pomembno posvečati pozornost čustvenemu področju, še posebej pri učencih s SUT in PPPU, saj predstavljajo rizično skupino za razvoj emocionalnih težav.


specifične učne težave;primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja;testna anksioznost;samoregulacijsko učenje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [P. Rajšp]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 11057481 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1590
Downloads: 138
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Test anxiety and reading to learn strategies in students with learning disabilities
Secondary abstract: Given the increasing importance attached to test performance by schools and the society, students experience increasing pressure and anxiety in evaluative situations. High test anxiety can have negative consequences on students' physical, social and emotional development as well as on their cognitive functioning and learning performance. Despite extensive research in this field, less attention has been given to test anxiety among the population of students with learning disabilities comprising students with minor learning disabilities called specific learning difficulties (hereinafter SpLD) and those with moderate to severe learning disabilities called deficits in individual learning areas. The Master's thesis presents the characteristics of test anxiety, paying special attention to test anxiety in students with SpLD and deficits in individual learning areas. Furthermore, it focuses on learning strategies, especially reading-to-learn strategies, and clarifies their correlation to test anxiety in students. The main objective of the Master's thesis was to identify the connection between test anxiety and the frequency of use of reading-to-learn strategies in students with deficits in individual learning areas. Moreover, it examined the level of test anxiety and the frequency of use of reading-to-learn strategies based on different test anxiety dimensions (thoughts, autonomic reactions and off-task behaviors) and types of reading-to-learn strategies (learning strategies before, after and during reading) as well as significant differences in the level of test anxiety and the application of reading-to-learn strategies across groups of students based on gender and age. The research method used was causal non-experimental. The sample comprised 163 elementary school students with deficits in individual learning areas in grades 5-9. To determine the level of test anxiety and the frequency of use of reading-to-learn strategies, a survey questionnaire comprising the Children’s Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS) and a Questionnaire on learning strategies were used. The statistical analysis of data was performed on the basis of descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed a statistically significant correlation between the identified level of test anxiety and the frequency of use of reading-to-learn strategies in students with deficits in individual learning areas. The identified correlation was weak and positive. The results also revealed statistically significant differences in the application of reading-to-learn strategies among students with higher and lower level of test anxiety, indicating that reading-to-learn strategies were more frequently used by students with deficits in individual learning areas and higher level of test anxiety. There were no significant differences in the level of test anxiety in students with deficits in individual learning areas based on gender and age, although a higher level of autonomic reactions was identified in girls and younger students, while a higher level of off-task behaviors was identified in boys and older students. There were no statistically significant differences in the application of reading-to-learn strategies in students with deficits in individual learning areas across age, while there were statistically significant differences across gender. It was determined that reading-to-learn strategies are more frequently used by girls with deficits in individual learning areas. In conclusion, the Master's thesis also provides limitations of the research and implications for further research, teaching practices and special-pedagogical help. The aim of the Master's thesis is to increase the awareness of professors of special and rehabilitation pedagogy and all teaching staff that attention must be paid to the emotional state of students, especially those with SpLD and deficits in individual learning areas, as they represent a risk group for the development of emotional problems.
Secondary keywords: learning difficulty;anxiety;primary education;učne težave;anksioznost;osnovnošolski pouk;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: 92 str.
ID: 9151878