(diplomsko delo)


Teoretična izhodišča: V 21. stoletju smo s sodobnim načinom življenja zelo izpostavljeni stresu. Stres na delovnem mestu privede do velikih obremenitev, njegova posledica v zdravstveni negi je slabša kakovost zdravstvene nege. Različni avtorji so navedli, da so na psihiatričnem področju pogoste stresne situacije in da so osebe, ki obravnavajo paciente z duševnimi motnjami bolj podvržene stresu. Metodologija raziskovanja: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Izvedena je bila v posebnem socialno-varstvenem zavodu, kjer je bilo vključenih 37 članov negovalnega tima in v psihiatrični bolnišnici, kjer je bilo vključenih 36 članov negovalnega tima. Rezultati: Za anketirane so najbolj stresni dejavniki slabo nagrajevanje za opravljeno delo, slabi medsebojni odnosi med sodelavci in zmanjšan občutek varnosti ob nepredvidljivih pacientih. Anketirani velikokrat premišljujejo o službi tudi ko so doma in pogosto pomislijo na stres v delovnem okolju. Na delovnem mestu se srečujejo s fizičnim in/ali psihičnim nasiljem, ki ga izvajajo pacienti, pri tem pa so anketirani bili že večkrat ogroženi. Kljub temu so do pacientov z duševnimi motnjami strpni. Na terapevtsko komunikacijo, ki je ključnega pomena pri pacientu z duševno motnjo, včasih pozabljajo. Sklep: Stresnim situacijam, nasilju in različnim incidentom na psihiatričnem področju, tako v kliničnem okolju kot v posebnem socialno-varstvenem zavodu se ni mogoče popolnoma izogniti. Za medicinsko sestro, ki deluje v zdravstveni negi na psihiatričnem področju je pomembno, da ima dobre komunikacijske spretnosti in veščine za vzpostavljanje medsebojnih odnosov. Dobro razumevanje in poznavanje duševnih motenj, empatijo, terapevtsko komunikacijo mora ponotranjiti, saj so to lastnosti, ki zaposlenega na psihiatričnem področju primarno varujejo pred stresom, posledično pa pred nasiljem in incidenti s strani pacientov.


psihiatrija;naloge medicinske sestre;stres;delovno mesto;izgorelost;socialno-varstveni zavod;psihiatrična bolnišnica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [U. Nemec]
UDC: 614.253.5:616.89(043.2)
COBISS: 2237860 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1108
Downloads: 224
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stress among nursing team members in the psychiatric field, in the clinical environment and in special social welfare institutions
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Modern life in the 21st century exposes people to stressful situations. Stress in the workplace leads to poor health on health care professionals. Evidence suggests that stressful situations are frequent in the field of psychiatry and professionals working in this speciality are more subject to stress. Methods: The research is based on quantitative methodology - the subjects are 37 members of the nursing team working in a special social welfare institution and 36 members of the nursing team working in a psychiatric hospital. Results: Negative feedback, poor intrapersonal relationships within the workplace, combined with a sense of insecurity due to the unpredictable nature of the patients, are the most frequently reported stress factors for the subjects. They reported frequently thinking about workplace stress when at home. At work, they regularly encounter physical and psychological abuse from the patients and are often exposed to dangerous situations. Despite this they continue to emphatise with the patients. Sometimes they forget the crucial importance of therapeutic communication with the patients. Conclusion: It is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations working clinically, within the psychiatric field. Essential skills for a psychiatric nurse are good communication skills and the developpment of good intrapersonal relationships. A thorough knowledge and understanding of psychiatric disorders, empathy and therapeutic communication will enable the staff to cope with the stress of their workplace.
Secondary keywords: psychiatry;nurseʼs tasks;stress;workplace;overwhelming;social welfare institution;psychiatric hospital;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 56 str., 5 str. pril.
ID: 9153653