diplomsko delo
Katja Boh (Author), Uroš Horvat (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo prikazuje geografski pregled občine Lendava z vidika možnosti turističnega razvoja. Razvoj območja sta zaznamovala odkritje in začetek črpanja nafte po 2. svetovni vojni, kar je spodbudilo razvoj industrije in priseljevanje; ob tem pa so naleteli tudi na zdravilno vodo. To je pomenil začetek turističnega razvoja Lendave. S pomočjo literature in virov je podan geografski oris občine Lendava z vidika turističnih dejavnosti. Opisana je turistična ponudba v občini: kulturne znamenitosti in naravne danosti, prireditve, opisana je turistična opremljenost, podani osnovni statistični podatki o turističnem obisku. Na podlagi turistične ponudbe in opremljenosti so opredeljene prednosti in omejitve pri razvoju turizma, načrti in usmeritve turizma v občini Lendava ter predlogi turističnih programov. Ob zdraviliškem turizmu ima občina Lendava možnosti tudi za razvoj ostalih oblik turizma. Naravne danosti in bogata kulturna dediščina predstavljata potencial predvsem za razvoj vinsko-kulinaričnega ter kulturnega turizma.


občina Lendava;Terme lendava;turizem;turistična ponudba;zdraviliški turizem;kulturni turizem;vinsko-kulinarični turizem;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Boh]
UDC: 338.48-6(497.4Lendava)(043.2)
COBISS: 22502920 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1718
Downloads: 264
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Tourism and possibilities for development of tourism in the municipality of Lendava
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis presents the geographical overview of the municipality of Lendava in terms of tourist development. The development of the region has been marked by the discovery and start of oil extraction after World War 2, which has stimulated the development of industry and migration; in addition, medicinal water was also discovered. This marked the beginning of tourist development in Lendava. A geographical outline of the Lendava municipality is given with the help of professional literature and sources. The thesis presents the tourist offer in the municipality: cultural and natural sights, festivals, the tourist infrastructure and basic statistical data about the number of tourists. The advantages and shortcomings in the development of tourism, plans and orientation of tourism in the municipality of Lendava, as well as proposals of tourist programmes are specified on the basis of the tourist offer and infrastructure. Apart from health tourism, the municipality of Lendava also has possibilities for the development of other forms of tourism. Natural sights and rich cultural heritage present the potential for the development of wine-culinary and cultural tourism.
Secondary keywords: municipality Lendava;Terme Lendava;tourism;tourist offer;health tourism;cultural tourism;wine-culinary tourism;theses;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: IV, 122 f.
ID: 9153668