magistrsko delo, Management delovnih procesov, Management poslovnih sistemov
Janja Varšek (Author), Tomaž Kern (Mentor)


Učinkovito podeljevanje radijskih frekvenc je ključnega pomena za zagotovitev dostopa do sodobnih mobilnih komunikacij čim širšemu krogu prebivalstva. V letu 2014 je Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve Republike Slovenije prvič izvedla podelitev radijskih frekvenc s pomočjo javnega razpisa. Ker se je s tem postopkom srečala prvič, je bilo potrebno pridobiti nova znanja in izvesti mednarodne primerjave. V skladu z zastavljenimi cilji, najboljšimi praksami na mednarodni in evropski ravni ter ob upoštevanju konkurenčnih postopkov dodelitve radijskih frekvenc se je kot najučinkovitejša izkazala podelitev frekvenc z javno dražbo. Vedno pa so možnosti za izboljšavo procesa. V magistrski nalogi sta opisana proces podelitve radijskih frekvenc z javnim razpisom z izvedbo elektronske in neelektronske dražbe. Na podlagi opisa sta pripravljena modela izvedbe obeh procesov. V nadaljevanju je narejena kritična analiza predvsem z vidika porabljenih virov in stroškov ter predlog izboljšav obeh procesov vključno z modeloma prenovljenih procesov.


proces;radijske frekvence;javni razpis;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [J. Varšek]
UDC: 005.8
COBISS: 7708947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 864
Downloads: 67
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Process of frequency allocation with an electronic public auction
Secondary abstract: Effective award of radio frequencies is crucial to ensure access wide range of the population to modern mobile communications. In 2014, the Agency for communications networks and services of the Republic of Slovenia carried out for the first time the assignment of radio frequencies through a public tender. Since these process are conducted for the first time, it was necessary to acquire new knowledge and to carry out international benchmark. In accordance with the objectives set, the best practices at international and European level, taking into account a competitive allocation of radio frequencies public auction has been proven as the most effective allocation of frequencies. There are always opportunities to improve the process. In the master's thesis are described the process of grant of radio frequencies in the public tender with the realization of electronic and non-electronic auctions. Based on the descriptions of the processes there are prepared models of implementation for both processes. Further on there is made critical analysis of improvements especially in terms of resources spent and the cost, and the proposal of the two processes, including models of redesigned process.
Secondary keywords: — process — radiofrequencies — public tender — public auction — public communication services;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 151 str.
ID: 9153889
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