diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija dela
Mateja Gauš (Author), Drago Mežnar (Mentor)


Pri podpisu pogodbe o zaposlitvi se na novo zaposleni po navadi premalo poglobijo v pogodbo. Menim, da ne razumejo vseh členov pogodbe. To je lahko problematično takrat, ko se odnos med zaposlenim in delodajalcem poslabša. Takrat zaposleni večinoma ne poznajo svojih pravic in v primeru spora ne znajo pravilno reagirati. Zato je ključno, da se vsak zaposleni z natančnim branjem pogodbe o zaposlitvi seznani z njeno vsebino. Na ta način se bo v teh viharnih časih na trgu dela tudi rešil marsikaterega dvoma in strahu pred izgubo zaposlitve oziroma se bo svojih možnosti bolje zavedal. Če zaposleni pogodbe ne razume v celoti ali je pri posameznih členih v dvomu glede njihove vsebine, se mora o tem posvetovati tudi s svojim delodajalcem. Pred podpisom je namreč še čas za spremembo posameznih členov, po podpisu je pa to veliko težje. Tudi če ne gre za spremembe, bo vsak delodajalec spoštoval zanimanje novo-zaposlenega za podrobnosti v pogodbi. Tako se bosta oba precej bolje zavedala svojih pravic in obveznosti, morebitni spori pa bodo rešeni hitreje oziroma do njih sploh ne bo prišlo.


pogodba o zaposlitvi;delavec;delodajalec;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [M. Gauš]
UDC: 347.7
COBISS: 7749395 Link will open in a new window
Views: 745
Downloads: 84
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Understanding of the employment contract
Secondary abstract: When signing a Contract of employment, new Employees usually do not read and understand the Contract as thoroughly as they should. My opinion is, they often do not understand all the Articles in the employment Contract, which can be a problem in the case where the relationship between the Employee and the Employer worsens. At that time, Employees are often not aware of their Rights and in the event of a Dispute, they do not know how to react properly. Therefore, it is crucial that every Employee is acquainted with the content of the Contract. In this way, in these turbulent times in the labor Market, they can also solve many doubts and fears of losing their Job and are aware of their options. If an Employee does not fully understand or has certain doubts about the Contract, he should discuss this matter with his or her Employer. It is crucial to do that before signing the Contract, when it is still time to change the individual Articles. Even if no changes are proposed, every Employer will respect the interest of the new employee. In this way, both Parties will be more aware of their Rights and Obligations. Any Disputes will be resolved quickly or they will simply not occur.
Secondary keywords: employment contract;employee;employer;employment;collective agreement;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 50 f.
ID: 9154301
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