diplomski projekt
Natalija Blatnik (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Želja vsakega dobrega podjetja je dober poslovni rezultat, ta pa je v veliki meri odvisen od njegovih zaposlenih. Pri uspešnih in dobrih rezultatih ima veliko vlogo motivacija zaposlenih, ki odraža pripravljenost za delo in posledično doseganje dobrih rezultatov. Ker ima vsak posameznik svoja znanja, izkušnje, želje napredovanja in dokazovanja, lahko na delovnem mestu hitro pride do padca motivacije. Takšnim zaposlenim moramo dati možnost razvoja idej, saj kažejo visoko motiviranost in zagnanost za delo, kar je lahko zelo pozitivno za podjetje. Če imamo v podjetju zaposlene, ki so visoko motivirani, se lahka zgodi, da to prenesejo še na ostale zaposlene. Ker je motivacija že stalna tema v podjetju, jo skušajo velikokrat izmeriti. Te teme sem se lotila, saj me je zanimalo, kako motivirani so zaposleni na bencinskem servisu x. Ugotovila sem, da je zaposlenim vedno najpomembnejše, da so za svoje delo pohvaljeni, saj bodo tako delo opravljali z veseljem. Če podjetje skrbi za motivacijo, jim nudi dobro plačano delo, ugodne delovne razmere, ob dobrem poslovnem rezultatu pa primerne nagrade, bodo zaposleni motivirani. V diplomskem projektu boste lahko spoznali, kateri dejavniki pri delu so jim najpomembnejši in katerega so uvrstili na zadnje mesto. Ker pa je delovnik vse dni v tednu, tako nedelje kot prazniki, zaposleni kot največji demotivator opredelijo prav to. Kljub temu pa so zaposleni ponosni, da so zaposleni v podjetju.


zaposleni;motivacija;motiviranje;motivacijski dejavniki;napredovanje;izobraževanje;potovanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Blatnik]
UDC: 005.88
COBISS: 12575516 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1064
Downloads: 133
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Motivating employees on gas station X
Secondary abstract: The goal of every successful company is to see good business results, but every company relies on it's employees greatly. If a company's workers are motivated, it's a big deal for good and successful results, and passively boosts their preperation for work and eventually brings good and successful business results. Losing motivation is a thing that can happen quite easily, because every individual comes with different knowledge, experience, wishes for promotions, and wishes to stand out.You need to give those kind of people a chance to develop their ideas, because they're showing a high amount of motivation and dedication, which can be important factors for a company. If you have some highly motivated employees, it might happen that the rest of the staff will pick that motivation up from them. Because motivation is already the main subject for all companies, they try to measure it. I started this subject, because I was curious about how motivated the workers of gas station x are. I found out that what means most to the employees is that they get praised for their good work, and they'll do what they're told without question, as long as the company takes care of the motivation, gives out fair payments, establishes great working circumstances for their employees, and hands out rewards for successful business results, and with that raises the overall motivation.You'll find out which factors at work are most important, and which are least important to them.Because they have to work every single day of the week, including sundays and holidays, the employees put that down as the biggest demotivator, but also they add that they're very satisfied to be part of a company like theirs.
Secondary keywords: Motivation;types of motives;motivational factors;promotions;motivational journeys;professional education;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 41 str., 2 str. pril.
ID: 9154502
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